Russian Women Stage Protests Against Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine and Sending of Their Men to War

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In recent years, Russian women have been increasingly vocal in their opposition to President Vladimir Putin’s policies, particularly those related to military intervention in Ukraine. The latest wave of protests, which have been largely led by women, have been sparked by the recent escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

One of the core issues driving these protests is the increasing number of Russian men being sent to fight in Ukraine. Many women feel that their husbands, brothers, and sons are being unjustly sent off to a war that they do not believe in. These women have taken to the streets in a show of solidarity, demanding an end to the conflict and the return of their loved ones.

The most recent and potent display of women’s opposition to the war occurred in Moscow, where hundreds of women gathered outside the Kremlin to protest against Putin’s military intervention in Ukraine. The women held signs and chanted slogans demanding an end to the conflict and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory.

The women’s protest comes at a time of escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine, following Russia’s decision to deploy troops to the border and its annexation of Crimea in 2014. Many women view the conflict as unnecessary and harmful, and they fear for the safety and well-being of their family members who have been sent to the frontlines.

In addition to opposing the war, these women are also speaking out against the authoritarian regime of Putin, which they believe is responsible for perpetuating the conflict. They are calling for greater accountability and transparency from the government, and for an end to the silencing and repression of dissenting voices.

The women leading these protests are not only demonstrating their courage and resilience, but they are also challenging traditional gender norms in Russia. In a society where women are often expected to be submissive and obedient, these women are asserting their right to speak out and demand change.

The women’s protests have garnered international attention, with many activists and organizations expressing solidarity with their cause. They have also received support from within Russia, with many men joining them in their demonstrations.

While the road ahead is likely to be challenging, these women are not backing down. Their resilience and determination to create a better future for their country and their families is a powerful testament to the strength of the human spirit. As they continue to raise their voices and demand change, they are setting an example for others to follow and inspiring hope for a more peaceful and just future.

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6 months ago

Гулаг решит это

6 months ago

Даздравствует президент!
Даздравствует е.р.!
С наступающим Новым годом дамочки! 🎉

6 months ago

Poor Russians, they can't even protest, only beg. Now we understand why all the ex-Soviet countries got fed up with Russia.

6 months ago

300 000 Ruských vojákú leží v blátě na Ukrajině. Co to kurva je ten váš Putin za hovado?

6 months ago

Bull sh….

6 months ago

This is not true. Russian women love Putin and willingly sacrifice their men for freedom

6 months ago

Russia is fighting a righteous war and is supported by 90% of the Russian people. Take the red pill or take the blue pill.

6 months ago

Cowards of the West. Letting poor Ukrainians fight their war against brothers Russians. For what? For dollars? For printed paper? How do they pay it off? Treasury is empty. The debt is huge. How do they pay it off? You are right…with the land, black soil, infrastructure, water, forest and wood, mineral resources, black coal, banks, real estates and cheap labor (somehow they need to pay it off)….all of that will be owned by foreigners. of course – majority of it by Americans. Unbelievable. As usually – in the name of democracy. UA will become the nation of slaves. Before, they had something, now they have nothing plus debt. The plan is perfect. It suits WEF- "You will own nothing, and you will be happy" It is a civil war of the Slavs…And they will remember that for very long time…

6 months ago

G-D this is so effed up.

6 months ago

Looks more like ukrainians propaganda again.

6 months ago

It's just a performance. They gathered a group, put on headscarves and read from a piece of paper. Well, stereotypical Russians, in headscarves, in the forest.. haha)) West people, don’t believe the propaganda!

They forgott only a bear and balalaika

6 months ago

These women are positively different from the other half of women in Russia. I know some women from Russia who pressured their men to go to the front. Because in the case of death of a solder, widows receive a lot of money. Shame on such "women"

6 months ago

Dont believe a single word of this channel as its ALL lies

6 months ago

Фальшь прям сквозит. Ну так видосик то не для граждан России рассчитан.))

6 months ago

Проплаченные сучки косят под святых монашек

6 months ago

If anyone did not understand this, Ukrainians record a video, by the appearance of Russian women.

6 months ago

Хорошо что они говорят "полную демобилизацию", а не как некоторые кровожадные про замену, ротацию и т.п.

6 months ago

Üzenem putyinnak, hogy azokkal a csodálatos ajkaival csókolgassa szaporán a homorú tomporomat

6 months ago


6 months ago

Now shows people in UA protesting mobilisation
Or right you wont, since its always one sided story