
Sanity Studio Version 3

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Introducing Sanity Studio v3

Welcome to Sanity Studio v3

If you’re a developer or content creator, you’ll be excited to learn about the new and improved features of Sanity Studio v3. This latest version of the popular content management system provides users with an even more streamlined and user-friendly experience.

What’s New in Sanity Studio v3

One of the biggest updates in Sanity Studio v3 is the new customizable interface. Users now have the ability to tailor the studio’s appearance and functionality to their specific needs, providing a truly personalized experience. Additionally, the updated structure and navigation make it even easier for users to find and access the tools and features they need.

Another notable improvement in v3 is the enhanced collaboration features. With real-time collaborative editing, multiple users can now work on the same content simultaneously, making it easier than ever to collaborate with team members and clients. Plus, the new commenting and feedback tools make communication and iteration more efficient and effective.

Why Choose Sanity Studio v3

Sanity Studio v3 offers a range of benefits for developers and content creators. The customizable interface and improved navigation make it easier to manage content and create custom workflows. The enhanced collaboration features also make it easier to work with teams and clients, ultimately improving productivity and communication.

Furthermore, Sanity Studio v3 is built on open-source technology, making it easy to integrate with other tools and services. This flexibility allows users to create a custom content management system tailored to their specific needs.

Get Started with Sanity Studio v3

Ready to experience the benefits of Sanity Studio v3 for yourself? Visit the Sanity website to learn more and start using v3 today.

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7 months ago

Vite FTW

7 months ago

If you use return createClient(clientConfig).fetch(groq`, an error occurs. If without groq (createClient(clientConfig).fetch(`)), everything is fine

7 months ago

how do I add the admin folder using nextjs pages directory?

7 months ago

the squished corgi looks like a gremlin. love groq ❤

7 months ago

Amazing! Thanks so much

7 months ago

I was immediately intrigued by Sanity Studio, it looks like exactly what I have been looking for in a headless CMS, and it says it's open source, written in TypeScript and has a good developer experience. Wow! However, the more I look into it, it seems like only the front-end of Sanity Studio is open-source, and it has to connect to a proprietary SAAS backend!? WTF is the point of calling it open source if I'm immediately vendor locked into their paid service. This just feels like slimy, dishonest marketing.

Please somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but after 15 minutes of Googling this is exactly my impression, and I'm really annoyed their marketing pitch hooked me into wasting 15 minutes of my life.

7 months ago

What's that browser?