
SAP Tech Bytes: Part 1 – Creating a CAP Project for SAP HANA Cloud: A Tutorial

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SAP Tech Bytes: CAP/HANA Tutorial Part 1 – Create a CAP Project for SAP HANA Cloud

SAP Tech Bytes: CAP/HANA Tutorial Part 1

Create a CAP Project for SAP HANA Cloud

Welcome to the first part of our SAP Tech Bytes tutorial on creating a CAP project for SAP HANA Cloud. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps of setting up a CAP (Cloud Application Programming Model) project and integrating it with SAP HANA Cloud.

Step 1: Install necessary tools

Before we begin, make sure you have the following tools installed on your system:

  • Node.js
  • SAP HANA Cloud Tools
  • SAP Business Application Studio or Visual Studio Code
  • HANA Cloud Connector

Step 2: Create a new CAP project

Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to create your new CAP project. Use the following command to create a new CAP project:

npm init @sap/cloud-samples-catalog

Step 3: Set up project configuration

Once the project is created, navigate to the project folder and open the serversdefault-env.json file. Here, you can configure your project settings such as the database connection and authentication settings.

Step 4: Define data models

Create a new folder called db in your project directory and define your data models using CDS (Core Data Services) syntax. This will define the structure and behavior of your data entities.

Step 5: Run the project locally

Finally, test your CAP project locally by running the following command in your terminal:

npm run start

This will start a local server and allow you to test your CAP project before deploying it to SAP HANA Cloud.

Congratulations! You have now successfully created a CAP project for SAP HANA Cloud. Stay tuned for the next part of our tutorial where we will cover how to deploy and run your CAP project on SAP HANA Cloud.

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6 months ago

Really great video! I am finding it extremely helpful to learn directly from you. Just one request: could you please zoom out a little bit in your video editor or browser? Despite the high resolution of this video and my 4K monitor, the text appears quite small. I believe this adjustment would be beneficial for everyone.

Thank you!

6 months ago

Your channel is such a great way to escape.