Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman extends warm welcome to Russian President Vladimir Putin | Is Russia positioning to outmaneuver the U.S. in the Middle East?

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Saudi’s MBS Welcomes Putin With Smiles & Handshake | Russia’s Bid To Checkmate U.S. In Middle East?

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman recently welcomed Russian President Vladimir Putin with smiles and a friendly handshake, sparking speculation about the implications of the warming ties between the two powerful leaders.

The meeting took place at the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where the two leaders seemingly hit it off, engaging in friendly banter and exchanging pleasantries. The warm reception of Putin by the Saudi Crown Prince has raised questions about the shifting alliances and power dynamics in the Middle East, with observers speculating about Russia’s bid to checkmate the United States in the region.

The Saudi-Russian relationship has been gaining momentum in recent years, with both countries finding common ground on various geopolitical issues. The two countries have cooperated on energy policy, with Saudi Arabia and Russia aligning their oil production to stabilize global oil prices. Additionally, they have also worked together on diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts in the Middle East, particularly in Syria.

However, the growing closeness between Saudi Arabia and Russia has also raised concerns about the implications for the United States, who has traditionally been a key ally of the Kingdom. The U.S. has had a strong and enduring alliance with Saudi Arabia, particularly in the areas of defense and security. The close ties have been crucial for maintaining stability in the Middle East and countering Iran’s influence in the region.

Furthermore, the U.S. has been a vocal critic of Russia’s actions in the Middle East, particularly its support for the Assad regime in Syria and its intervention in the conflict. The prospect of Saudi Arabia cozying up to Russia is therefore viewed as a potential threat to U.S. interests in the region.

The warmth between MBS and Putin at the G20 Summit has added fuel to the fire, with some analysts interpreting it as a signal of Saudi Arabia’s readiness to assert its independence from the United States and diversify its alliances. The Kingdom’s leadership is increasingly signaling its desire to pursue a more multi-faceted foreign policy, seeking to balance its relationships with both Russia and the U.S.

From Russia’s perspective, the burgeoning relationship with Saudi Arabia provides an opportunity to expand its influence in the region and potentially challenge U.S. dominance. By cultivating ties with a key player in the Middle East, Russia can position itself as a counterweight to U.S. influence in the region, and potentially gain leverage in regional conflicts and geopolitical negotiations.

In conclusion, the warm reception of Vladimir Putin by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the G20 Summit has sparked speculation about the implications for the U.S. and the shifting power dynamics in the Middle East. The growing closeness between Saudi Arabia and Russia has the potential to reshape the geopolitical landscape in the region, with implications for key issues such as the Syrian conflict, Iran’s influence, and U.S. strategic interests. As such, the Saudi-Russian relationship is a development that warrants close attention and careful analysis.

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6 months ago

При все бедах и катаклизмах в мире Путин первый отправлял Илы 76 с помощью , всегда . многие не помнят хорошего

6 months ago

Наш самый лучший в мире президент страны.

6 months ago

Putin could complain about all the bombing in Gaza and other innocent killings in this, and then act like he’s doing something when, in fact, he is a hypocrite. Putin has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children and bombed hospitals himself, but there was no Hamas under the hospitals in Ukraine or Ukrainians underneath the hospitals. There’s a big difference Putin is a war criminal, I do like Putin analogy. He is very, very smart and he is a very powerful man, one of the greatest dictators of all times, but I disagree with his war strategy.

6 months ago

Saudi Arabia's keeping distance from there main allies for some reason

6 months ago


6 months ago

Yoestoparausteparadarmibidapor rrusia soymexicano

6 months ago


6 months ago

Стояла Русь задолго до оккупации ,,бледнолицыми небратьями ,, индейских земель ,- и после них стоять будет !
Если НАТО не уберётся от границ России , может окончиться очень печально –
Из библии ,, …ищущий- да обрящет…,,…..

6 months ago

Стояла Русь задолго до оккупации ,,бледнолицыми небратьями ,, индейских земель ,- и после них стоять будет !
Если НАТО не уберётся от границ России , может окончиться очень печально –
Из библии ,, …ищущий- да обрящет…,,…..

6 months ago

Like him Great The cleverest President of Russia like him

6 months ago

sad a lot of war posibilities..😔 i hope all of people are good and help together to Love the nature and people😔

6 months ago

Two murdering rulers together

6 months ago

We can trust Russia more than US..❤❤❤go go Pres Putin 🎉🎉🎉

6 months ago

6 months ago


6 months ago

Now that the UAE and Saudi Arabia have joined Russia in BRICS, the 500 years of western dominance is near the end. The rise of the global majority will finally bring peace to this tired world.

6 months ago

America gave F35 to these beggars. What's with this tension? America should worry about from Donkeys and Oil.

6 months ago

Putin and MBS are both killers

6 months ago

Well done, Saudi-Russia-China alliances

6 months ago

Запад с Америкой себя изолировали от всего мира 😂 А Россия и наш Путин это сила , ум и доброе отношение ко всем людям на равных.