Saving data from UI to the backend using Angular Material and SQL technology

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From UI to backend data save

From UI to backend data save

In modern web development, user interface (UI) and backend data storage are crucial parts of any application. This article will focus on the process of saving data from a UI using Angular Material to a backend using SQL. Let’s dive into the technology and software involved in this process.

Angular Material

Angular Material is a UI component library for Angular projects that provides a set of reusable UI components such as buttons, inputs, and dialogs. These components are designed to follow Google’s Material Design guidelines, making it easy to create a consistent and visually appealing UI for web applications.

When it comes to saving data from the UI to the backend, Angular Material’s form controls and data tables come in handy. Form controls allow users to input data, while data tables display and organize the data in a structured manner. These components ensure a seamless user experience when interacting with data.

Backend Technology

On the backend side, SQL (Structured Query Language) databases are commonly used to store and manage data. SQL is a powerful language for querying and managing relational databases, making it ideal for storing structured data in a way that is easy to access and manipulate.

When saving data from the UI to the backend, Angular applications can communicate with the backend through HTTP requests. These requests can be sent to a server-side API, which then processes and stores the data in the SQL database.

Integration and Implementation

Integrating Angular Material with a backend SQL database involves setting up the necessary APIs and services to handle data communication. The UI components in Angular Material are used to collect user input, and the data is then sent to the backend through HTTP requests.

On the backend, the server handles the incoming data and stores it in the SQL database using appropriate queries. This process ensures that the data entered by users in the UI is securely and persistently saved in the backend storage.


From UI to backend data save, the integration of Angular Material and SQL backend technology enables a seamless flow of data from the user interface to the backend storage. This ensures that user input is effectively captured and stored, providing a robust and reliable experience for users interacting with the application.