SCADA System Created with Pinguino 18F2550 and pyQt

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In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to create a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system using the Pinguino 18F2550 microcontroller and pyQt (Python bindings for the Qt application framework). SCADA systems are widely used in industrial automation to monitor and control processes in real-time.


  1. Pinguino 18F2550 microcontroller
  2. USB cable for programming
  3. pyQt library
  4. Qt Designer for designing the GUI
  5. Python programming knowledge


  1. Install Pinguino IDE:

    • Download and install the Pinguino IDE from the official website.
    • Connect the Pinguino 18F2550 microcontroller to your computer using a USB cable.
  2. Programming the Pinguino 18F2550 microcontroller:

    • Write your code in the Pinguino IDE using the C programming language.
    • Program the microcontroller with the code to read sensor data or control actuators.
  3. Install pyQt library:

    • Install the pyQt library using pip:
      pip install pyqt5
  4. Design the GUI using Qt Designer:

    • Open Qt Designer and design your SCADA interface.
    • Save the GUI as a .ui file.
  5. Convert the .ui file to a Python file:

    • Use the pyuic5 tool to convert the .ui file to a Python file:
      pyuic5 -x your_gui.ui -o
  6. Create the SCADA Python script:

    • Create a Python script that imports the necessary libraries and sets up the communication with the Pinguino microcontroller.
    • Import the pyqt library and the Python serial library to communicate with the microcontroller:

      import sys
      from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow
      from your_gui import Ui_MainWindow
      import serial
    • Write functions to read data from the microcontroller and update the GUI accordingly.
  7. Run the SCADA system:

    • Run the Python script to launch the SCADA system.
    • The GUI should display real-time data from the microcontroller and allow you to control actuators.
  8. Test and debug:
    • Test the SCADA system by monitoring the data and controlling the actuators.
    • Debug any issues that may arise during testing.

By following these steps, you can create a SCADA system using the Pinguino 18F2550 microcontroller and pyQt library. This system can be used in industrial automation applications to monitor and control processes in real-time. Learning how to integrate hardware and software components will help you develop more complex automation projects in the future.

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4 hours ago

hola me podría explicar como hacer un programa en pyhton ejecutable o mandar mas información

4 hours ago

como le hiciste para hacer el tanque?

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