Scaling MoE Training with PyTorch: Insights from Mihir Patel & Brian Chu of Databricks

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In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of training mixture of experts (MoEs) models at scale using PyTorch on the Databricks platform. Mixture of experts models are deep learning architectures that leverage multiple expert networks to improve performance on a variety of tasks, such as language modeling, image recognition, and more. By training MoEs at scale, we can harness the power of distributed computing to tackle large datasets and complex problems.


Before getting started with this tutorial, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • A Databricks account with access to a cluster capable of running PyTorch scripts.
  • Basic knowledge of deep learning concepts and PyTorch.
  • Familiarity with training neural networks on distributed computing platforms.

Step 1: Setting up the Environment

The first step is to set up your Databricks environment for training MoEs at scale. This includes creating a new notebook and configuring the cluster settings. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Log in to your Databricks account and navigate to the workspace.
  2. Click on "Create" and select "Notebook" to create a new notebook.
  3. Choose the appropriate language (e.g., Python) and select a cluster with GPU support for faster training.
  4. Configure the cluster settings, such as the number of nodes, memory, and GPU capabilities, based on your requirements.

Step 2: Installing PyTorch and Dependencies

Next, you will need to install PyTorch and other necessary libraries for training MoEs on PyTorch. Follow these steps to install the required dependencies:

  1. Execute the following commands in the notebook to install PyTorch and torchvision:
!pip install torch torchvision
  1. If you need additional libraries for data processing or visualization, install them using the pip install command.

Step 3: Loading the Dataset

Now that you have set up the environment and installed the necessary libraries, it’s time to load the dataset for training the MoEs model. Follow these steps to load the dataset into the Databricks environment:

  1. Download the dataset or use a built-in dataset from PyTorch, such as CIFAR-10 or ImageNet.
  2. Upload the dataset to the Databricks workspace or load it directly from a URL using PyTorch’s data loading utilities.

Step 4: Defining the MoEs Model

In this step, you will define the architecture of the MoEs model using PyTorch’s neural network modules. Follow these steps to create the MoEs model:

  1. Define the expert networks and the gating network that make up the MoEs architecture.
  2. Implement the forward pass function to compute the output of the model based on the input data.
  3. Define the loss function and optimizer to train the MoEs model using PyTorch’s built-in functions.

Step 5: Training the MoEs Model

Once you have defined the MoEs model, it’s time to train the model on the dataset using distributed computing on Databricks. Follow these steps to train the MoEs model at scale:

  1. Split the dataset into training and validation sets using PyTorch’s data loaders.
  2. Configure the training parameters, such as batch size, learning rate, and number of epochs.
  3. Use PyTorch’s distributed training utilities to train the MoEs model across multiple nodes in the Databricks cluster.
  4. Monitor the training process using Databricks’ visualization tools and analyze the results to optimize the model performance.

Step 6: Evaluating the MoEs Model

After training the MoEs model, it’s important to evaluate its performance on the test dataset to assess its accuracy and generalization capabilities. Follow these steps to evaluate the trained MoEs model:

  1. Load the test dataset and preprocess it using the same transformations as the training dataset.
  2. Compute the predictions of the MoEs model on the test dataset and compare them with the ground truth labels.
  3. Calculate the evaluation metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, to assess the model’s performance.
  4. Visualize the results using Databricks’ plotting utilities to gain insights into the MoEs model’s strengths and weaknesses.


In this tutorial, we have demonstrated how to train mixture of experts models at scale using PyTorch on Databricks. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can leverage the power of distributed computing to train complex deep learning architectures on large datasets. Experiment with different hyperparameters, architectures, and datasets to optimize the performance of your MoEs models and tackle challenging tasks in machine learning and AI. Thank you for following along, and happy training!

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