Scikit-learn 13: Understanding Binning and KBinsDiscretizer for Preprocessing

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In machine learning, preprocessing data is a crucial step in preparing and cleaning your data before building models. One common preprocessing technique is binning, where continuous numerical features are divided into bins or intervals. This can help simplify complex data and improve model performance by reducing noise and focusing on relevant information. In this tutorial, we will be focusing on the KBinsDiscretizer class in Scikit-learn, which is a powerful tool for binning numerical data.

  1. Understanding Binning:
    Binning is the process of dividing a continuous numerical variable into intervals (bins). This allows us to transform a continuous variable into a categorical one, which can be easier to work with in some machine learning algorithms. Binning can also help handle outliers and make the data more informative for some types of models.

  2. Intuition for Binning:
    Binning can be particularly useful for dealing with skewed or non-normally distributed data. By dividing the data into bins, we can capture the underlying patterns in the data without being overly sensitive to outliers or extreme values. Binning can also help create more interpretable features, as it transforms continuous variables into discrete categories.

  3. Using KBinsDiscretizer in Scikit-learn:
    Scikit-learn provides a class called KBinsDiscretizer for binning numerical data. This class allows you to specify the number of bins you want to create, as well as the strategies for binning the data. The KBinsDiscretizer class is very useful for preprocessing numerical features before feeding them into machine learning models.

  4. Example of Using KBinsDiscretizer:
    Let’s walk through an example of how to use KBinsDiscretizer in Scikit-learn. First, you need to import the KBinsDiscretizer class:
from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer

Next, create an instance of the KBinsDiscretizer class and specify the number of bins you want to create:

kbins = KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=4, encode='ordinal', strategy='uniform')

In this example, we are creating 4 bins using a uniform strategy. The encode parameter determines how the bin labels are encoded, and ‘ordinal’ means that the bins are encoded as integers from 0 to (n_bins – 1).

Now, fit the KBinsDiscretizer to your data and transform the data:

X_binned = kbins.fit_transform(X)

This will discretize the input data X into bins and return the transformed data X_binned. You can access the bin edges using the bin_edges_ attribute of the fitted KBinsDiscretizer:


This will show you the bin edges for each feature in your data.

  1. Choosing the Right Number of Bins:
    When using KBinsDiscretizer, it’s important to choose the right number of bins for your data. Too few bins may oversimplify the data, while too many bins may overfit the data. You can experiment with different numbers of bins and strategies to see which one works best for your particular dataset and model.

In conclusion, binning using the KBinsDiscretizer class in Scikit-learn is a powerful technique for preprocessing numerical data. By dividing continuous features into bins, you can simplify complex data, handle outliers, and improve model performance. Experiment with different numbers of bins and strategies to find the best approach for your data and model. Happy coding!

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1 month ago

Hi Very Good Video. I understood the concept. Just one observation @10.37, I think a '']'' is missing in the code

1 month ago

i think there's a mistake in quantile example … 0 is in range [1, 2) ??

1 month ago

A nice and clear explanation. Thank you!

1 month ago

Great tutorial.