SCOTUS Appeal Causes PAUSE in Trump Criminal Case for Jan 6 Incident

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In a surprising turn of events, the criminal case against former President Donald Trump and several of his allies in connection to the January 6th Capitol riot has been paused after a last-minute appeal to the Supreme Court. This unexpected curveball throws a wrench into the legal proceedings and has left many wondering what the next steps will be in this high-profile case.

The case, which is being pursued by the House Select Committee investigating the events of January 6th, has been making significant progress in recent months. Multiple individuals, including former Trump advisors Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows, have been subpoenaed and have faced harsh consequences for failing to comply. The momentum seemed to be building towards a potential prosecution of Trump himself. However, the recent decision to pause the case has put a temporary halt to these efforts.

The Supreme Court appeal comes as a surprise to many, as it was widely expected that the case would continue to move forward through the lower courts. The specifics of the appeal have not yet been made public, but it is clear that it has had the effect of halting the progress of the criminal case. This has left the House Select Committee in a difficult position, as they were gearing up to pursue further legal action against Trump and his allies.

The decision to pause the case has reignited the debate over the role of the Supreme Court in these types of politically charged legal battles. Some critics argue that the Court should not intervene in a case that is still in the early stages of the legal process, while others believe that it is within their purview to consider significant legal issues that may arise.

It is unclear how long the pause will last and what the eventual outcome of the Supreme Court appeal will be. In the meantime, the House Select Committee will need to reassess their strategy and determine how to proceed in light of this unexpected development. The members of the Committee have made it clear that they are committed to holding those responsible for the events of January 6th accountable, and they are likely to explore alternative avenues for pursuing legal action against Trump and his allies.

The decision to pause the criminal case against Trump and his allies has thrown a curveball into the legal proceedings and has left many questions unanswered. As the Supreme Court appeal unfolds, it is sure to generate significant attention and further deepen the political divisions that have plagued the aftermath of the Capitol riot. The coming weeks and months will be critical in determining the future of this high-profile case and its implications for the accountability of those involved in the events of January 6th.

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6 months ago

Throw that trash Smith in jail already!

6 months ago

Robby you are hard to listen to as in my opinon you speak so disjointedly. To both of youaA lot of um's pauses and other self thinking stops. Cut those um's up and put them in a salad. Not a very professional delivery ……

6 months ago

So what you just said isn't biased. You obviously are biased. Maybe you should report fair and impartial news. Just another corrupt dog and pony show. Get your facts straight. Snowflake.

6 months ago

Their getting a guilty plea because Trump is guilty

6 months ago

Sorry no Red Wave Republicans it will be Blue in the end

6 months ago

Dont believe polls!!! Remember the TED WAVE it tirned blue!!! Imagine that?

6 months ago

They will find Trump guilty and he will serve jail time

6 months ago

Trump is guilty as sin

6 months ago

😊 you're go Jack Smith yes trump should be dearly disqualified from the United States of America office dearly so much 😊😊

6 months ago

Jack Smith has seen proof, it's in plain sight…………………………………….???

6 months ago

I thought The Hill was not in line with mainstream media…lately that's all you seem to do.

6 months ago

Awesome. This isn't a case …….. this is witch hunt…!!!!

6 months ago

These prosecutors obviously do not have a life. It’s sad. They’re making their family suffer and listen to their nonsense. It’s ridiculous. Get a life leave somebody else’s life alone for not doing anything wrong.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Supreme court should just put an End to all this nonsense. They have way too much time on their hands.

6 months ago

You guys analyzing you don’t know anything what Trump‘s thinking yeah it just quit saying stuff. Why he’s doing that why he doing that it’s really none of your business.

6 months ago

Smith is full of BS

6 months ago

1. The U.S.A make herself look terrible throughout…2. MR.TRUMP did not order the January 6th…3. Joe Biden and Democrats order the Ukraine war murdering women and children…5. plus the 13 Soldiers whom murdered in Afghanistan and the billions dollars weapons wasted there👎👎

6 months ago

As we watch the economies of Russia and China run by the autocrats Trump wants to emulate crash and burn something becomes totally clear. What has made America Great is trade and the stability for companies and industries to thrive. This combined with a social system that allows the middle class to provide a large, educated and mobile work force and some tremendous geographical advantages resulting in in our ability to cheaply transport our goods to markets all over the world are what make us the greatest country in history. When an imbecile like Trump, Putin or Xi shows up thinking that they know more about everything than everyone else they ignore experts, make bad decisions on made up facts and lie to the people blaming others when their errors lead to catastrophe. Trump supporters want every apple cart upset simply because they do not understand the long term effect of things like abandoning Ukraine or NATO. The last time anybody did anything that radical was the America First Movement (MAGA's predecessor) where America became isolationist only caring about America. What happened? The Great Depression and the worst war in human history, which we were eventually dragged in to. Following that war many brilliant Americans devised a strategy which over the last 78 years has led to world peace and prosperity and America becoming the most advanced and wealthiest nation in the history of the world. It is not at all surprising that a jealous Putin would do everything in his power to get Trump elected in 2016 so he could destroy it. There is no question he tried. This fact was established beyond any shadow of a doubt in the Mueller report. Dozens of Trump associated Americans were also convicted for their part. Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort was convicted for passing Trump's campaign data to Russian Intelligence so they could focus their resources on using online messaging in 4 critical states. The message was a vote for Jill Stein is not a wasted vote. Jill Stein was the head of the Green Party in America. She, General Flynn and Vladimir Putin sat together at the head table at the Russia State Television Network Anniversary in Moscow in 2016. The Green Party voters are historically some of the furthest left people in the Liberal Sphere and normally would have voted for the Democrats. The scheme worked. The flaws in our Electoral College system were exposed Had half of the Green Party votes in those four states gone to Hillary in 2016 Trump would never have been President.

It will never be possible to state definitively one way or another whether or not this confirmed Russian interference actually installed Trump or not. The fact is that it may have and because of our electoral college with an infinitesimal effort our enemies could install a puppet in our White House. Be he a Democrat or a Republican he will certainly be a populist like Trump. What makes Donald Trump and other wanna be dictators so dangerous is the combination of arrogance, entitlement and ignorance. Let's face facts, people who tell you how smart they are but threaten to sue anyone who publishes their grades, probably are not really very smart.

6 months ago

Jake knows the S.C will reject his 💩. This is to make the radicals upset 😅 and do what they do best 🗣RIOT