Scream 7 Faces Backlash Over Israel-Palestine Tweets

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Scream 7, the highly anticipated horror sequel, has found itself in hot water after a series of controversial tweets about the Israel-Palestine conflict. The film’s official Twitter account sent out a series of tweets voicing support for Israel, which has sparked backlash from fans and critics alike.

The tweets in question were met with widespread criticism, with many calling out the film for taking a one-sided stance on a complex and deeply sensitive issue. Some fans even called for a boycott of the film, arguing that it was in poor taste for Scream 7 to wade into political territory.

The controversy has put the film’s producers and studio in a difficult position, as they now have to deal with the fallout of the tweets. Many are questioning the motive behind the tweets and wondering if they will have any impact on the film’s box office performance.

In response to the backlash, the producers of Scream 7 have issued a public apology, stating that the tweets were sent out by a social media intern without proper oversight. They have also promised to take steps to ensure that such a misstep does not happen again in the future.

However, the damage may already be done, as the tweets have reignited a debate about the role of entertainment industry in voicing political opinions. Some argue that films and their associated social media accounts should stay out of political issues, while others believe that they have a responsibility to use their platform to raise awareness about important global issues.

It remains to be seen how the controversy will impact the release of Scream 7. While it is unlikely to have a significant impact on the film’s box office performance, the backlash has certainly overshadowed the film’s promotion in the lead up to its release.

Ultimately, Scream 7 finds itself in hot water after its ill-advised tweets about the Israel-Palestine conflict. The controversy has forced the film’s producers to issue a public apology and has reignited a debate about the role of entertainment industry in politics. As the film’s release date approaches, the fallout from the tweets is sure to continue.

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6 months ago

What's the point calling statue of liberty when it isn't in America.

6 months ago

Why can't you express your opinions anymore..that's not what the US stands for

6 months ago

Was Scream 7 even necessary to begin with?

6 months ago

"I will let you deduce for yourself"
Yeah, sounds pretty anti-semitic to me…

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

Bible says Gaza shall perish. Amos 1:6 Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of ✔ Gaza, and for four, I will not turn away the ✔ punishment thereof Genesis 9:27 + ✔Zephaniah 2:5 4 For ✔ Gaza will be abandoned, and Ashkelon left in ruins. Ashdod will be driven out at noon, and Ekron will be uprooted. 5Woe to the dwellers of the ✔ seacoast, O nation of the Cherethites! The word of the LORD is against you, O ✔ Canaan, land of the ✔ Philistines: “I will destroy you, and no one will be left.”

6 months ago

Kanye was right 😂

6 months ago

Lord god Jesus cries the only way to heaven

6 months ago

Palestinians have the right to defend their land

6 months ago

Jesus loves you and Wants to spend eternity with you confess with your mouth that you are a sinner and ask him to save you

6 months ago

I haven’t seen a Scream movie since Scream 3

6 months ago

Why'ed you put Jenna like that in your thumbnail bro, shes basically still a kid.

6 months ago

And here God 🙏 says that He has no favoritism I e scriptures!!

6 months ago

Wow 😲😲 palistine really i e they need to stop this Isreal stick that's it's better than everyone STOP IT Genocide is wrong on both sides for the planet.

6 months ago


6 months ago

It’s sad how you can stand by your beliefs and opinions in fear of being fired

6 months ago

I don't about it being in trouble because Stu mocker- Matthew Lillard is returning. Just like the theory he is already casted who know they could even use twin trope

6 months ago

They fired her. Whoever they are.

6 months ago

You know who rules over you by who you can’t criticize.