Seamless Deployments with Django and Postgres without Downtime | Django Bulgaria Meetup – April Edition

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Zero downtime deployments with Django & Postgres

Django Bulgaria Meetup – April Edition

Zero downtime deployments are crucial for keeping your application running smoothly and minimizing disruptions for your users. In this article, we will discuss how to achieve zero downtime deployments with Django and Postgres.


Django is a popular web framework for building web applications, while Postgres is a powerful open-source relational database management system. When deploying changes to your Django application, you want to ensure that your users can continue using the application without any interruptions.

Steps for zero downtime deployments

  1. Prepare your Django application: Before deploying any changes, make sure that your Django application is properly configured for zero downtime deployments. This includes setting up database migrations and ensuring that your codebase is ready for deployment.
  2. Use database migrations: When making changes to your database schema, use Django’s built-in migration system to apply the changes seamlessly without affecting the availability of your application.
  3. Deploy changes in small increments: Instead of deploying all changes at once, consider deploying them in small increments to minimize the impact on your users. This allows you to monitor the deployment progress and quickly rollback any changes if needed.
  4. Use database replication: Set up database replication with Postgres to ensure that your application remains available even during database updates. By using database replication, you can direct database traffic to a secondary server while making changes to the primary server.
  5. Monitor and test: Monitor the deployment process closely and conduct thorough testing to ensure that your application remains operational throughout the deployment process. This includes checking for any performance issues and verifying that the changes are applied correctly.


Zero downtime deployments are essential for maintaining the availability of your Django application and keeping your users satisfied. By following these steps and utilizing the right tools, such as database replication with Postgres, you can achieve zero downtime deployments seamlessly. Don’t forget to test and monitor your deployment process to catch any issues early and ensure a smooth deployment.

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