Section 5: Exploring the Basics of Deep ResNet in PyTorch for Deep Learning

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Exploring Deep ResNet Basics

PyTorch Deep Learning

Section 5: Exploring Deep ResNet Basics

In this section, we will dive into the basics of Deep Residual Networks (ResNets) in the context of deep learning with PyTorch. ResNets are a type of neural network architecture that have become popular for their ability to easily train very deep networks. They were introduced by Kaiming He et al. in their 2015 paper “Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition.”

What are Residual Networks?

Residual Networks are based on the idea of residual learning, which involves learning the residual mapping with reference to the layer inputs, rather than learning the desired underlying mapping directly. This is achieved by utilizing shortcut connections that bypass one or more layers, allowing the network to learn a residual mapping that can be added to the original inputs to improve performance.

Deep ResNet Basics

Deep ResNets typically consist of multiple residual blocks, each containing several layers. These residual blocks enable the network to learn complex mappings and effectively train very deep networks. The key components of a deep ResNet include the residual blocks, shortcut connections, and the final classification layer.

When implementing deep ResNets in PyTorch, it is important to pay attention to the design and architecture of the residual blocks, as well as the implementation of the shortcut connections. This section will cover the basic principles of designing and building deep ResNets in PyTorch, and provide practical examples and code snippets for getting started with deep ResNet-based models.


Exploring the basics of deep ResNets is an essential step in understanding and working with advanced deep learning models in PyTorch. By mastering the principles of ResNets and learning how to effectively implement them in PyTorch, you can leverage the power of deep residual learning to train highly accurate and efficient neural networks for a wide range of applications.

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4 months ago

The link with "Why Resnets?" does not work from the notebook!
Besides that, its really nice what you are doing! Keep it up!
Its helping me immensely.