Secure Routes and Authorization in Next.js 13 with Mongodb & Next Auth Credentials

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Auth and Private Routes in Next.js 13

Auth and Private Routes in Next.js 13

If you’re building a web application with Next.js 13 and using MongoDB as your database, you might be interested in handling authentication and private routes. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to set up authentication and create private routes using Next Auth Credentials.

Setting up Next Auth

First, install the required packages by running the following commands:

        npm install next-auth credentials mongodb

Once the packages are installed, you can set up Next Auth by creating a `pages/api/auth/[…nextauth].js` file and configure it to use MongoDB as the database.

Creating Private Routes

To create private routes, you can use the `getSession` function from Next Auth to check if a user is authenticated. If the user is not authenticated, you can redirect them to the login page. Here’s an example of how you can create a private route:

        import { getSession } from 'next-auth/client';

        export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
          const session = await getSession(context);

          if (!session) {
            return {
              redirect: {
                destination: '/login',
                permanent: false,

          // Fetch data and pass it as props to the component
          return {
            props: { data },


By using Next Auth Credentials, you can easily set up authentication and create private routes in your Next.js 13 application. This allows you to secure certain parts of your app and provide a seamless login experience for your users. With the power of MongoDB as your database, you can store user credentials and manage authentication efficiently. Happy coding!

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Gaurav Bawa
7 months ago

thank a lot for this video

Mohd Salman Ansari
7 months ago

What's the point of a tutorial if you don't share code or repo?

Poizon NCS
7 months ago

Masterpiece ❤ Love from Bangladesh

7 months ago

Perfect, thanks a lot.

7 months ago

hi Sir, i got an error when im wrapping Layout root with AuthProvider.
this is the error : Type '{ children: Element; }' has no properties in common with type 'IntrinsicAttributes & Props'.ts(2559)

this is my AuthProvider.tsx
"use client";
import { SessionProvider } from "next-auth/react";
import React, { ReactNode } from "react";

interface Props {
childern?: ReactNode;

export default function AuthProvider({ childern }: Props) {
return <SessionProvider>{childern}</SessionProvider>;

7 months ago

Please add the code in the discription so we can see the front page !

7 months ago

How do i protect my API routes based on the users role?

Rosemary Ajayi
7 months ago

When I move my auth to guest repo bcrypt starts giving errors

M.suleman Ibrahim
7 months ago

Amazing Tutorial Thanks allot for this awesome video.

Al Jimson Megriño
7 months ago

been looking for this kind of tutorial, you saved my day, TY

Md Sofiuzzaman
7 months ago

github repo should be attested on

Rafath Bin Zafar Auvee
7 months ago

I am facing some errors. Could you please share me the github link? Admin route not working.

Harshit Srivastava
7 months ago

Please provide github code for this

kwan zegs
7 months ago

Thankyou for your education, its really helpfull for me.

Jimena Katu
7 months ago

Thankyouuuu I couldn´t find the way to see the "role" baceause I was just getting email and name, now it is working just as I want all thanks to you

Mano Veiga
7 months ago

Can you send me the repo of this project?

7 months ago

it's insane how I searched the entire web and your 2 week old video is the only solution to my use case.

thank you, great video! very well explained as well.

aram abdulrahman
7 months ago

lots of thanks , is it mistake ? if protect admin pages with middleware at server and use session at the client side ?….

Thông Phạm
7 months ago

thank bro, nice tutorial 100/100 performance

Adrian M
7 months ago

Very good and clear explanation in a short amount of time. Thank you.