Securing a String and Executing a Function using the Evervault Node.js SDK

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Encrypting a String and Running a Function with the Evervault Node.js SDK

Encrypting a String and Running a Function with the Evervault Node.js SDK

Evervault is a secure data protection platform that allows developers to encrypt sensitive data and run functions securely in the cloud. In this article, we will explore how to encrypt a string and run a function using the Evervault Node.js SDK.

Encrypting a String

To encrypt a string using the Evervault Node.js SDK, you will first need to install the SDK by running the following command:

npm install evervault

Once the SDK is installed, you can use the encrypt function to encrypt a string. Here is an example code snippet:

const Evervault = require(‘evervault’);

const evervault = new Evervault(‘YOUR_API_KEY’);

const encryptedString = evervault.encrypt(‘Hello, World!’);


Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual Evervault API key. When you run this code, it will encrypt the string ‘Hello, World!’ and return the encrypted value.

Running a Function

After encrypting a string, you can run a function securely using the Evervault Node.js SDK. Here is an example code snippet:

const Evervault = require(‘evervault’);

const evervault = new Evervault(‘YOUR_API_KEY’);‘myFunction’, { data: encryptedString })
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {

In this code, we are using the run function to run a function called myFunction with the encrypted string as input. The result of the function will be logged to the console, and any errors will be caught and logged as well.

By following these steps, you can easily encrypt a string and run a function securely using the Evervault Node.js SDK. This allows you to protect sensitive data and perform secure operations in the cloud.