
Securing API Endpoints and Ensuring Route Protection in Node.js/Express | Part 3 of the Express and Auth Series

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Protecting Routes and Securing API Endpoints in Node.js/Express | Express and Auth Series Part 3

Welcome to Part 3 of our Express and Auth series. In the previous articles, we discussed setting up authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in Node.js/Express and how to handle user registration and login. In this article, we will focus on protecting routes and securing API endpoints in our Node.js/Express application.

Why is Route Protection Important?

When building a web application, it is crucial to ensure that certain routes or API endpoints are only accessible to authenticated users. By protecting our routes, we can prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data or operations within our application.

In the context of an API, securing endpoints ensures that only authorized clients can access or modify the data. This is particularly important when dealing with user data or performing critical operations, such as updating user account information or making financial transactions.

By adding route protection and securing API endpoints, we can significantly improve the security posture of our Node.js/Express application.

How to Protect Routes and Secure API Endpoints

In Express, we can protect routes and secure API endpoints by implementing middleware to handle user authentication before granting access. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

Step 1: Create an Authentication Middleware

We will start by creating a middleware function that will handle the authentication process. This middleware will check for a valid JWT in the request headers and validate it against the secret key.

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const secretKey = 'your-secret-key';

function authenticate(req, res, next) {
const token = req.headers.authorization;

if (!token) {
return res.status(401).json({ message: "Access denied. No token provided." });

try {
const decoded = jwt.verify(token, secretKey);
req.user = decoded;
} catch (ex) {
return res.status(400).json({ message: "Invalid token." });

In the code above, we first check if the request headers contain the ‘Authorization’ header. If not, we return a 401 status code with a message indicating that no token was provided. If the token exists, we use the ‘jsonwebtoken’ library to verify the token against the secret key. If the token is valid, we decode it and set the decoded user object on the request object using ‘req.user’. We then call the ‘next()’ function to pass control to the next middleware or route handler. If the token is invalid, we return a 400 status code with a message indicating an invalid token.

Step 2: Protect Routes with the Authentication Middleware

Next, we need to apply the authentication middleware to the routes that we want to protect. We can do this by simply passing the ‘authenticate’ middleware function as an argument before the route handler.

app.get('/protected-route', authenticate, (req, res) => {
// Route handler logic goes here

In the code above, the ‘/protected-route’ will only be accessible to authenticated users. The ‘authenticate’ middleware is executed first, and if the authentication is successful, the route handler function will be called. Otherwise, an error response will be sent back.

Step 3: Secure API Endpoints

To secure API endpoints, we apply the same authentication middleware as we did with routes. Any API endpoint that requires authentication can use the ‘authenticate’ middleware before processing the request.

app.post('/api/create-user', authenticate, (req, res) => {
// Create user logic goes here

In the above example, the ‘/api/create-user’ endpoint will only be accessible to authenticated users. The authentication middleware is applied, and if the user is authenticated, the logic to create a user will be executed. Otherwise, an error response will be sent back.


In this article, we discussed the importance of protecting routes and securing API endpoints in our Node.js/Express application. By implementing route protection, we can prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data and operations within our application. Through the use of authentication middleware, we can verify the validity of JSON Web Tokens and grant access to authenticated users only.

Remember to always include robust security measures when developing your web applications to ensure the safety and privacy of your users’ data. Stay tuned for future articles in the Express and Auth series, where we will explore more concepts related to authentication and security in Node.js/Express.

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No Step on Snek
7 months ago

I found this demo confusing for a couple of reasons.

1. You set the API up on a completely separate host. How would this work in a production server where the API has the same host?
2. Because you created a new project, you didn't have to deal with declaring `auth` twice (for user auth and API auth), I got around this conflict by renaming the auth function
3. I find it hard to incorporate the authentication variables like client_ID, with both the user route authentication and the API authentication in the same app.js.

I wish you had shown an example with both of these in the same project files. As these conflicts are very difficult to resolve.

Javier Renteria
7 months ago

Man, you saved my life. I spent some hours trying to figure out how auth0 works and from your videos I was able to understand much better. Thanks!

Union Optic
7 months ago

why did you create a different project ? how would that look like in production ?
i am new in auth0 and code in general, so, sorry if my question sound ignorant.

7 months ago

I wanted this series and it is absolutely fantastic