Securing Spring Boot and Angular Applications with Oauth 2 and OIDC Through Keycloak and Google Integration

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How to Secure Spring Boot and Angular Applications using Oauth 2 and OIDC Keycloa Google

How to Secure Spring Boot and Angular Applications using Oauth 2 and OIDC Keycloa Google

Securing your web applications is crucial to protect your users’ data and prevent unauthorized access. In this article, we will discuss how to secure Spring Boot and Angular applications using Oauth 2 and OIDC (OpenID Connect) with Keycloak and Google as the identity provider.

What is Oauth 2 and OIDC?

Oauth 2 is an authorization framework that allows a user to grant limited access to their resources on one site to another site without having to expose their credentials. OIDC, on the other hand, is an authentication layer on top of Oauth 2 that provides information about the end user and their authentication status.

Using Keycloak as the Identity Provider

Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management solution that provides Oauth 2 and OIDC support. It allows you to secure your applications using standard protocols and provides features such as single sign-on, user federation, and identity brokering.

Securing Spring Boot and Angular Applications

To secure your Spring Boot and Angular applications using Oauth 2 and OIDC with Keycloak and Google, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up a Keycloak server and create a new realm for your applications.
  2. Create a new client in Keycloak for your Spring Boot application and configure the Oauth 2 and OIDC settings.
  3. Implement Oauth 2 and OIDC authentication and authorization in your Spring Boot application using Keycloak’s Java adapter.
  4. Create a new client in Keycloak for your Angular application and configure the Oauth 2 and OIDC settings.
  5. Implement Oauth 2 and OIDC authentication and authorization in your Angular application using Keycloak’s JavaScript adapter.
  6. Configure Google as an identity provider in Keycloak and allow users to authenticate using their Google accounts.


Securing your Spring Boot and Angular applications using Oauth 2 and OIDC with Keycloak and Google as the identity provider is essential to protect your users’ data and prevent unauthorized access. By following the steps mentioned above, you can ensure that your applications are secure and provide a seamless authentication experience for your users.