Securing your API with Auth0 by Okta in FastAPI

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How to Protect an API in FastAPI with Auth0 by Okta

How to Protect an API in FastAPI with Auth0 by Okta

FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints. Auth0 is a flexible, drop-in solution to add authentication and authorization services to your applications. Okta is an enterprise-grade identity management service, built for the cloud, but compatible with many on-premises applications.

Why Protecting Your API is Important

Protecting your API is important because it helps to secure your application’s data and functionality from unauthorized access. Without proper protection, your API could be vulnerable to attacks such as unauthorized access to sensitive data, injection attacks, and more. By using a secure authentication and authorization service, you can ensure that only authorized users can access your API.

How to Protect an API in FastAPI with Auth0 by Okta

Protecting an API in FastAPI with Auth0 by Okta can be accomplished by following these steps:

  1. Set up a FastAPI project
  2. Integrate with Auth0 by Okta
  3. Configure authentication and authorization
  4. Secure your API endpoints

Set up a FastAPI project

First, you’ll need to create a new FastAPI project or use an existing one. You can follow the official FastAPI documentation to get started with creating a FastAPI project.

Integrate with Auth0 by Okta

Next, you’ll need to integrate your FastAPI project with Auth0 by Okta. You can do this by creating an account with Auth0 and setting up a new application. Follow the instructions provided by Auth0 to integrate your FastAPI project with their authentication and authorization services.

Configure authentication and authorization

Once you’ve integrated your FastAPI project with Auth0 by Okta, you’ll need to configure authentication and authorization settings. This typically involves setting up rules and permissions for different types of users, such as admin users, regular users, and more.

Secure your API endpoints

Finally, you’ll need to secure your API endpoints by implementing authorization checks to ensure that only authenticated and authorized users can access specific endpoints. This can be done by using decorators in FastAPI to check the user’s credentials before allowing them to access the endpoint.


Protecting an API in FastAPI with Auth0 by Okta is essential for securing your application’s data and functionality. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your API is protected from unauthorized access and attacks. With the help of Auth0 and Okta, you can easily integrate secure authentication and authorization services into your FastAPI project.

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6 months ago

Hey Jess, great video. I do have an additional request. I would like to see a auth flow where you can use client credentials to generate an authorization code which could then be used to get access token. Ideally I want to pass in a scope along with the authorization code to Auth0 authorization server API in order to populate claims in my JWT and then use those claims to discern access to certain endpoints within my API.

6 months ago

Great explanation, really awesome. Thanks Jess for this topics, keep uploading videos of this type

6 months ago

source code is not reflecting material presented on the screen
was waste of time

6 months ago

Hello, @OktaDev ! Could you provide the same example but with Okta dashboard?

6 months ago

Hi Jess, Thank you for making this video. I am trying to send token from frontend and validate it in fastapi, but getting an error "{'status': 'error', 'msg': "Invalid payload string: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xbf in position 0: invalid start byte"}". Not sure what's going wrong. I also tried splitting it with space as I am sending "Bearer {toekn}" from frontend. Appreciate if someone could help. Thanks.

6 months ago

Thanks for the demo!

I am receiving the following error: urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: Hostname mismatch, certificate is not valid for '(HIDDEN)'. (_ssl.c:1129)>

I set the .config file with the correct values from Auth0 account (as instructed in the video).

Any thoughts on how to fix?

6 months ago

Perfect tnx

6 months ago

Awesome, You just saved my day

6 months ago

Please consider reducing the length of your video by speaking concisely and avoiding unnecessary jargon.