Selections of Lawyers’ Speeches from the ICJ Genocide Hearing against Israel in South Africa

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The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is currently holding hearings in which South African lawyers are presenting arguments alleging genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinian people. During these hearings, several powerful speeches were made by these lawyers, calling for justice and accountability for the alleged crimes.

One of the excerpts from the speeches delivered at the ICJ hearings highlighted the immense suffering endured by the Palestinian people at the hands of the Israeli government. The lawyer passionately spoke about the daily violence, displacement, and oppression faced by Palestinians, emphasizing the urgent need for the international community to take action and hold Israel accountable for its actions.

Another moving excerpt addressed the long history of discrimination and human rights violations faced by the Palestinian people, citing numerous instances of violence and repression perpetuated by the Israeli government. The lawyer underscored the importance of recognizing the systematic nature of these abuses and urged the ICJ to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the alleged acts of genocide.

The speeches also emphasized the role of the international community in protecting the rights of the Palestinian people and ensuring that justice is served. The lawyers called on world leaders and organizations to stand up against the injustices committed by Israel and work towards a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict in the region.

Overall, the speeches delivered by South African lawyers at the ICJ genocide hearing against Israel were powerful and stirring, shedding light on the plight of the Palestinian people and urging the international community to take action. These lawyers have demonstrated their unwavering commitment to seeking justice for the victims of alleged genocide and holding accountable those responsible for these heinous crimes. It is now up to the ICJ and the global community to heed their calls for justice and ensure that the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people are upheld.

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3 months ago


3 months ago


3 months ago


3 months ago

America, Europe and Israel are committing genocide in Gaza and are giving 1000 ships of weapons to Israel. Water aid to Gaza has been stopped

3 months ago

You keep seeing what Israel doing but you never mention what hamas haved done during 7 th oct : ? You close your eyes ? Andjust forgot the Oct 7 th?😡😡😡

3 months ago

Well done to South Africa, finally someone is saying the truth and defending it, while the eyes EU 🇪🇺, USA 🇺🇸, UN, and many other countries are shut down!!! 😢💔😭

May the Good Lord open our eyes so that we may see the suffering of His People and open our ears so that we may hear the cry of all His people and bring peace, justice and reconciliation to the whole world. 🙏 🙏 🙏

I encourage South Africa to focus and prevent the crime, corruption (especially in the government), suffering and injustice that is happening daily all around South Africa.
🛑 Please, please, please! Stop it!!! 🛑

3 months ago

aameen 🤲🤲🤲

3 months ago

Foolish!!! What business is it of South Africa to accuse Israel of all of these things? Come to South Africa and see what the ANC has done to their own people!!Foolish, very foolish and very dangerous political game!

3 months ago


3 months ago

The longer it takes the 15 judges of the ICJ to render their decision bears well for the defendant Israel as the judges are dreaming up creative reasons to side with Israel.

3 months ago

Свободу Палестине.

3 months ago

Свободу Палестине!!!!!❤❤❤❤

3 months ago

Free Palestine Free Gaza 🌹🌹🌹

3 months ago

اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا ونبينا وحبيبنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه والي بيته الطيبين الطاهرين كما صليت وسلمت وباركت على ابراهيم وعلى ال ابراهيم انك حميد مجيد السلام على سيدتنا مريم العذراء الطاهرة الزكية وابنها نبينا عيسى ابن مريم عليهما السلام وعلى نبينا موسى عليه السلام اللهم ارزقهم برزقك واكرمهم بكرمك وارحمهم برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين وارحم الرئيس نيلسون مانديلا واجعله من عبادك الصالحين وسكان أهل الجنة وان تغفر له خطياه وان تحفظ جنوب افريقيا ومن يعيش هنآك

3 months ago

Intl court esrael kayong manga nagtratrabaho sa panginoon sa pamahalaan yun ang dapat matolongan yung nagpapatolog ng sanggol na babae at lalake na ibat ibang wekat lahe yun ang dapat matolongan sa financial budjet sa programang pangkabuhayan kase naaalala natin yung pamelya ng batang sanggol sa sabsaban betlehem united nation pls help pls help help help amen

3 months ago

Arabs please don't show u r face. dignity. Richness

3 months ago

You all are not only loyer but also real leaders …hats off u south africa

3 months ago

South Africa❤

3 months ago

Thank you very much s,a, have a heart in humanity

3 months ago

Shame on south africa 😂😂😂 Abolish …UN and ICj. ….😂😂😂😂😂