Sending Email in Angular 16 without Backend: A Step-by-Step Guide

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How to send email in Angular 16 without Backend

How to send email in Angular 16 without Backend

Sending emails in Angular 16 without a backend server can be achieved using a simple and fast approach with the help of third-party services like EmailJS. Follow the steps below to learn how to send emails in Angular 16 without a backend:

Step 1: Create an EmailJS Account

First, create an account with EmailJS and obtain your User ID, Service ID, and Template ID that you will need to send emails through their API.

Step 2: Install EmailJS Library

Install the EmailJS library by running the following command in your Angular project:

npm install emailjs-com --save

Step 3: Create Email Service

Create a new service to handle the email sending functionality. You can use the following code as a starting point:

    import emailjs from 'emailjs-com';

    export class EmailService {
      sendEmail() {
        emailjs.send("YOUR_SERVICE_ID", "YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID", {
          to_name: "Recipient's Name",
          message: "Your message content"
        }, "YOUR_USER_ID")
        .then((response) => {
          console.log('Email sent successfully', response);
        }, (error) => {
          console.error('Email sending failed', error);

Step 4: Call Email Service in Angular Component

Now, you can call the email sending service in your Angular component to send an email when a certain action is triggered, such as clicking a button:

    import { Component } from '@angular/core';
    import { EmailService } from './email.service';

      selector: 'app-email',
      template: `
      providers: [EmailService]
    export class EmailComponent {
      constructor(private emailService: EmailService) {}

      sendEmail() {

Step 5: Test Email Sending

Finally, test the email sending functionality by clicking the button in your Angular component. You should see a success message in the console if the email is sent successfully.

By following these simple steps, you can easily send emails in Angular 16 without the need for a backend server. This approach is particularly useful for simple email sending requirements in Angular applications.

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6 months ago

how to send attachment file ??

6 months ago

Can we share a PDF as an attachment from the code in the email?

6 months ago

bravo <3

6 months ago

Gracias estuvo facil de seguir y lo logre

6 months ago

Thanks a lot bro ❤ my portfolio project completed with this contact us page helping. Once more thank you so much. And here that form group option want to placed for form tag. After that only it’s worked for me

6 months ago

i use it but showing error can you help me
i checked network its show pending then give me (failed)net::ERR_TIMED_OUT msg what can i do

6 months ago

is it secure ?

6 months ago

GREAT VIDEO…. But please i have an issue, the email is sent but with no informations. what could be the issue PLEASE HELP

6 months ago

Thank you,
greetings from
Germany ⬛🟥🟨


6 months ago

Just in time, thank you sir 💪🏼

6 months ago

Exactyl what i needed, thanks sir 🙏

6 months ago

works fine, thank you!

6 months ago

work with angular 15 ?

6 months ago

Nice content, thanks a lot!