Separating Files by Registering 6 Vue Components

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Registering 6 Vue components and separating them into files

Registering 6 Vue components and separating them into files

In Vue.js, components are reusable and self-contained units of code that can be composed together to build complex user interfaces.

When working on a larger Vue.js project, it is common to have multiple components, and organizing them into separate files can help keep the project clean and maintainable.

Here are the steps to register 6 Vue components and separate them into files:

  1. Create a new file for each component. For example, you could have files like Component1.vue, Component2.vue, Component3.vue, and so on.
  2. In each component file, define the component using the Vue.component method:
  3. “`html

    Vue.component(‘component-1’, {
    // component 1 definition


  4. Make sure to export the component so that it can be used in other files:
  5. “`html

    export default {
    name: ‘Component1’


  6. In your main Vue instance, import each component file and register them:
  7. “`html

    import Component1 from ‘./Component1.vue’;
    import Component2 from ‘./Component2.vue’;
    // import other components

    new Vue({
    el: ‘#app’,
    components: {
    // other components


  8. Now you can use these components in your HTML by referencing their custom tags:
  9. “`html


By following these steps, you can easily register 6 Vue components and separate them into files, making your code more organized and maintainable.