
Session-Based Authentication with Django and React.js (Vite)

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Authenticate with Session-Based Auth in Django & React.js (Vite)

Authenticate with Session-Based Auth in Django & React.js (Vite)

Authentication is an essential aspect of web development, especially when building applications that require user accounts and permissions. In this article, we will explore how to authenticate users using session-based authentication in a Django backend and a React.js frontend with Vite as the build tool.

Setting up Django Backend

First, let’s set up a Django backend for our application. We will need to create a new Django project and app, set up a user model, and create the necessary views and endpoints for authentication.

To create a new Django project, run the following command in your terminal:

django-admin startproject project_name

Next, create a new app within the project using the following command:

python manage.py startapp app_name

After creating the app, define a custom user model that extends the default user model provided by Django. This can be achieved by creating a new model in your app’s models.py file and specifying it as the default user model in the project settings.

Once the user model is set up, create the necessary views and endpoints for user authentication, such as login, logout, and registration. You can use Django’s built-in authentication views and decorators to handle these processes.

Setting up React.js Frontend with Vite

Now let’s set up a React.js frontend for our application using Vite as the build tool. Vite provides a fast and efficient development environment for building modern web apps with React.

To create a new React.js project with Vite, run the following command in your terminal:

npx create-react-app my-app --template vite

This will set up a new React.js project with Vite as the build tool. You can then start building your frontend components and pages for user authentication, such as login and registration forms.

Integrating Session-Based Authentication

Once both the backend and frontend are set up, it’s time to integrate session-based authentication between the two. Django provides built-in support for session-based authentication, which allows users to be authenticated and maintain their authentication status across different requests.

In the frontend, you can use Axios or the Fetch API to make HTTP requests to the Django backend and handle the authentication process. When a user logs in or registers, the backend will create a session for the user, which will be stored in the browser’s cookies and used to authenticate subsequent requests.

By integrating session-based authentication, you can ensure that users have secure access to your application and can maintain their authentication status as they navigate through different pages and perform various actions.


In conclusion, session-based authentication is a powerful and secure way to authenticate users in a web application. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up session-based authentication in a Django backend and a React.js frontend with Vite as the build tool, allowing users to securely authenticate and access your application’s features.

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10 months ago

Would have been better to see this with AllAuth rather than the custom Auth app you built.

Django AllAuth + Django REST is pretty much the standard for Django.

10 months ago

Thanks a lot😁

George Samuel
10 months ago

Great Job as usual !!!! Thanks a a lot Bek !

Tushar Bhai
10 months ago

Which one is more convenient to create django form, CreateView or forms.ModelForm? When to use which one? Please help!

Farzad Majidfayyaz
10 months ago

Question: what's the thing showing auto-complete menu for the terminal command history?

10 months ago

Nice….first time seeing a react tutorial using a class based component in React….phew!! Good to know how simple it is using class based components, but not sure why the whole world is running after functional based components…thanks anyways 👍 ….also please share the correct github repo link …its not accessible to me….thank you

madhur chaturvedi
10 months ago

Thanks Bro

DBS king
10 months ago

Hello sir please give me insta id

10 months ago

the GitHub Repository is 404

10 months ago

Thanks Bek! Your tutorials are useful as always

10 months ago

Thank you so much for this great tutorial !!