Setting Up a Project with Next.js 13: A Tutorial

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Next.js 13 Tutorial | Project Setup

Welcome to the Next.js 13 Tutorial!

Next.js is a popular React framework that allows developers to build server-side rendered applications. In this tutorial, we will walk through the project setup for a Next.js 13 application.

Step 1: Install Node.js and npm

Before we can start building a Next.js project, we need to have Node.js and npm installed on our machine. You can download and install them from

Step 2: Create a new Next.js project

Once Node.js and npm are installed, open a terminal and run the following command to create a new Next.js project:

      npx create-next-app@13 my-next-app
      cd my-next-app
      npm run dev

Step 3: Open the project in your code editor

Now that the project is created, open the project folder in your preferred code editor. You will see the file structure of a basic Next.js project.

Step 4: Start the development server

To start the development server for your Next.js project, run the following command in your terminal:

      npm run dev

Step 5: Start building your Next.js application

Once the development server is running, you can start building your Next.js application. You can create pages, components, and add functionality to your application just like you would with a regular React project.


Congratulations, you have successfully set up a Next.js 13 project! You can now start building server-side rendered applications with the power of Next.js.

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6 months ago

waiting 2 part

6 months ago

Would you also be going into details about setting up authentication and the different methods and dealing with APIs in the new app directory?

6 months ago


More South African content creators.
So glad to see fellow country men helping me with a issue that I am having now!

6 months ago

Crisp. !! thanks for the session. I was happened to see your video on NextJS. Basically I'm Angular dev, just started learning REACT, I was searching for good resource, fortunately I landed here. Hope you'll post more on React + NextJS with production ready real time application example .

Thanks again for your effort

6 months ago

Bravo 🎉🎉🎉🎉