Setting up a Vite project with multiple HTML pages

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Configuring Multiple HTML Pages in Vite Project

Configuring Multiple HTML Pages in Vite Project

Creating multiple HTML pages in a Vite project is essential for building complex web applications with different routes and views. In this article, we will explore how to configure multiple HTML pages in a Vite project using HTML tags and Vite’s configuration.

Using HTML Tags to Create Multiple Pages

First, we will create the HTML files for each page in our project. For example, if we have two pages – “home” and “about” – we will create two HTML files: home.html and about.html.

Inside each HTML file, we will use the standard HTML tags to define the structure of the page, such as <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body>. We can also include other HTML tags and elements to build the content of each page.

Setting Up Vite Configuration

Next, we need to configure Vite to recognize and build our multiple HTML pages. We can do this by creating a vite.config.js file in the root of our project and using the build option to specify the entry points for each HTML page.

      // vite.config.js
      export default {
        build: {
          rollupOptions: {
            input: {
              home: 'src/home.html',
              about: 'src/about.html'

Building and Serving the Project

After configuring Vite, we can run the build command to generate the bundled JavaScript and build the HTML pages. We can then use Vite’s development server to serve the project and navigate to each page using their respective URLs.

By following these steps and using HTML tags and Vite’s configuration, we can easily set up and configure multiple HTML pages in a Vite project. This approach allows us to build complex web applications with different views and routes, providing a seamless user experience.

Thank you for reading our article on configuring multiple HTML pages in a Vite project. We hope you found it helpful and informative.