Setting up a VPS for Next.js or Laravel: A Step-by-Step Guide

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How to Setup VPS for Next.js or Laravel

How to Setup VPS for Next.js or Laravel

If you are looking to deploy your Next.js or Laravel application to a Virtual Private Server (VPS), here is a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Choose a VPS Provider

There are many VPS providers available, such as DigitalOcean, Linode, and AWS. Choose one that fits your budget and requirements.

Step 2: Create a VPS Instance

Once you have chosen a VPS provider, create a new VPS instance with the appropriate resources (CPU, RAM, storage) for your application.

Step 3: Install a Web Server

Next.js and Laravel applications require a web server to serve the application. You can install popular web servers like Nginx or Apache on your VPS.

Step 4: Configure the Web Server

Configure the web server to serve your Next.js or Laravel application. For Next.js, you may need to set up a reverse proxy to direct requests to the appropriate port. For Laravel, configure the server to point to the public directory.

Step 5: Install Node.js (for Next.js)

If you are deploying a Next.js application, make sure to install Node.js on your VPS to run the Node server. You can use Node Version Manager (NVM) to easily install and manage multiple versions of Node.js.

Step 6: Install PHP (for Laravel)

For Laravel applications, install PHP and other required dependencies on your VPS. You can use package managers like apt or yum to install PHP and extensions.

Step 7: Deploy Your Application

Finally, deploy your Next.js or Laravel application to your VPS. Upload the application files to the server and start the web server to see your application live.


Setting up a VPS for Next.js or Laravel may seem daunting at first, but following these steps will help you deploy your application successfully. Remember to keep your VPS server secure by applying security updates and configuring firewall rules. Good luck!

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