Setting Up Cloudinary and RichTextEditor for Django Recipe Sharing: A Tutorial

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Django Recipe Sharing Tutorial – 8. Cloudinary and RichTextEditor set up

Django Recipe Sharing Tutorial – 8. Cloudinary and RichTextEditor set up

Welcome to the eighth part of our Django Recipe Sharing Tutorial series! In this tutorial, we will be setting up Cloudinary and integrating a RichTextEditor for the recipe creation feature of our application. Let’s get started!

Cloudinary Set Up

Cloudinary is a cloud-based image and video management service that makes it easy to upload, store, manage, and deliver media assets. We will be using Cloudinary to handle the image uploads for our recipes.

To set up Cloudinary in your Django application, first, sign up for a Cloudinary account and obtain your API key and secret. Next, install the cloudinary package using the following command:

            pip install cloudinary

After installing the package, add the following configuration to your file:

            CLOUDINARY = {
                'cloud_name': '',
                'api_key': '',
                'api_secret': '',

With Cloudinary set up, you can now easily upload and store images for your recipes.

RichTextEditor Set Up

For the recipe creation feature, we want to allow users to input rich text, including formatted text, images, and other media. To achieve this, we will integrate a RichTextEditor into our application.

There are various options for RichTextEditors in Django, such as CKEditor and TinyMCE. In this tutorial, we will be using CKEditor.

First, install the django-ckeditor package using the following command:

            pip install django-ckeditor

Next, add ‘ckeditor’ to your INSTALLED_APPS in

            INSTALLED_APPS = [

Finally, configure CKEditor by adding the following to your

            CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH = 'uploads/'
            CKEDITOR_CONFIGS = {
                'default': {
                    'toolbar': 'full',
                    'height': 300,
                    'width': 800,

With the RichTextEditor set up, users can now create and edit recipes with rich text and media content.

That’s it for this tutorial! In the next part, we will be implementing user authentication and authorization for our application. Stay tuned for more!