Setting up custom domain and enabling Cloudflare proxy on for Django and Python programming

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Add custom Domain & enable Cloudflare proxy

Add custom Domain & enable Cloudflare proxy

In this article, we will discuss how to add a custom domain and enable Cloudflare proxy on for a Django project written in Python.

Step 1: Set up a custom domain

Before we can enable Cloudflare proxy on, we need to set up a custom domain for our Django project. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Register a domain name with a domain registrar.
  2. Point the domain’s nameservers to’s nameservers.
  3. Add the custom domain to’s dashboard under the “Custom Domains” section.
  4. Configure the domain settings in’s dashboard to point to your Django project.

Step 2: Enable Cloudflare proxy

Once the custom domain is set up, we can enable Cloudflare proxy to improve security and performance for our Django project. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Cloudflare account and add the custom domain to your account.
  2. Change the nameservers of your custom domain to Cloudflare’s nameservers.
  3. Set up SSL/TLS encryption in Cloudflare’s dashboard for the custom domain.
  4. Enable the Cloudflare proxy by turning on the orange cloud icon next to the custom domain in Cloudflare’s dashboard.


By following these steps, you can add a custom domain and enable Cloudflare proxy for your Django project running on This will help improve security, performance, and reliability for your project.

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2 months ago

how long did it take for your subdomain to work?