
Setting up Next.js and Postgres: A Step-by-Step Guide for Development and Production

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Next.js + Postgres Setup Walkthrough

Next.js + Postgres Setup Walkthrough: Dev/Production

Next.js is a popular framework for building React applications, and Postgres is a powerful open-source relational database. In this article, we will walk through the process of setting up Next.js with Postgres for development and production environments.

Development Setup

To get started with Next.js and Postgres in a development environment, you will need to have Node.js and npm installed on your system. Once you have those tools in place, you can create a new Next.js project and install the necessary packages.

npx create-next-app my-nextjs-app
cd my-nextjs-app
npm install pg

After installing the required packages, you can start setting up your Postgres database. Make sure you have Postgres installed on your system, and then create a new database using the psql command line tool.

CREATE DATABASE my_database;

Once your database is set up, you can begin connecting your Next.js application to Postgres. You will need to create a new file for your database connection and configure it with the necessary credentials.

With your database connection established, you can start integrating Postgres into your Next.js application. You can use the pg package to execute database queries and retrieve data for your application.

Production Setup

When deploying your Next.js application to a production environment, you will need to consider additional factors such as security and scalability. You can use a service like AWS RDS or Heroku Postgres to manage your production database, and you will need to configure your application to use the appropriate database credentials.

Make sure to secure your database connection and handle any sensitive information properly. You may want to use environment variables to store your database credentials and access them securely within your Next.js application.


Setting up Next.js with Postgres for development and production environments can be a complex process, but it is an important step in building a robust and scalable application. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully integrate Postgres into your Next.js project and manage your database connections effectively.

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Random Phantom
7 months ago

This is a great tutorial! What I find confusing is that you're declaring the schema with Prisma but then you are running a migration with Knex, which seems rather a manual process.
A small bit of feedback for future videos. The editor font size looks very small on YT, bigger would be easier to read.

7 months ago

excellent tutorial

Bulat Ashimov
7 months ago

I find Drizzle ORM much better than Prisma

7 months ago

thank you man !

7 months ago

11:44 When I try to run this command, i get

'TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS' not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Peter McGibney
7 months ago

Another great tutorial. Keep these coming 🙂

Don Dikaio
7 months ago

Love how clear the presentation was and it covered everything I was interested in 🎉 thanks for putting this together for us!

Pablo Texeira
7 months ago

that's amazing, great explanation. Keep up the good workm Kevin!!!!