Setting up the initial connection from Angular to API Gateway through Lambda and DynamoDB

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Angular to API Gateway via Lambda, DynamoDB Initial Set Up

Angular to API Gateway via Lambda, DynamoDB Initial Set Up

When building a web application with Angular that needs to interact with external services, such as API Gateway and DynamoDB, it’s important to have the initial set up correctly configured. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps of setting up the connection between Angular and these AWS services.

1. Setting up API Gateway

First, you’ll need to set up your API Gateway in the AWS console. Create a new API and define the routes and methods that your Angular application will need to access. Make sure to enable CORS for your API to allow requests from your Angular application’s domain.

2. Creating a Lambda Function

Next, create a Lambda function that will handle the requests from your Angular application. This function will interact with DynamoDB to retrieve or modify data. Make sure to assign the necessary permissions to your Lambda function so it can access the DynamoDB service.

3. Setting up DynamoDB

Create a DynamoDB table to store the data that your Angular application will be interacting with. Define the necessary attributes and primary/secondary keys for your table based on the requirements of your application.

4. Configuring Angular to Interact with API Gateway

Once your API Gateway, Lambda function, and DynamoDB table are set up, you can start configuring your Angular application to interact with these services. Use the HttpClient module in Angular to make HTTP requests to your API Gateway endpoints and handle the responses accordingly. You will also need to handle CORS preflight requests if you’re making cross-origin requests.

5. Testing and Debugging

After the initial set up is complete, thoroughly test and debug the communication between your Angular application and the API Gateway, Lambda function, and DynamoDB. Use tools like the browser’s developer console and AWS CloudWatch to monitor and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

By following these steps, you can successfully set up the communication between your Angular application and API Gateway via Lambda and DynamoDB. This will allow your application to interact with external services securely and efficiently.

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6 months ago

😊thank you

6 months ago

Excellent illustration and commendable demo. Thank you so much for in detail step by step explanation.