
Setting up Visual Studio Code for Frontend Web Development [Angular React Vue] on Windows 11

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Setting up Visual Studio Code for Frontend Web Development

How to setup Visual Studio Code for Frontend Web Development [Angular React Vue] in Windows 11

Visual Studio Code is a popular code editor that is widely used by frontend web developers for building applications using technologies like Angular, React, and Vue. Setting up Visual Studio Code for frontend web development in Windows 11 is a simple process that involves installing the necessary extensions and configuring the editor to optimize the development workflow.

Install Visual Studio Code

The first step is to download and install Visual Studio Code on your Windows 11 machine. You can download the latest version of Visual Studio Code from the official website and follow the installation instructions to set it up on your system.

Install Node.js and npm

Node.js and npm are essential tools for frontend web development. You can download and install Node.js from the official website, which will also install npm along with it. Make sure to add Node.js and npm to your system’s PATH to access them from the command line.

Install the necessary extensions

Visual Studio Code provides a rich ecosystem of extensions that can enhance the development experience for frontend web developers. You can install extensions for Angular, React, and Vue to support these frameworks in Visual Studio Code. Some popular extensions for frontend web development include:

  • Angular Essentials
  • React Extension Pack
  • Vue 3 Snippets

Configure Visual Studio Code settings

After installing the necessary extensions, you can configure Visual Studio Code settings to optimize the development environment for frontend web development. You can customize settings for auto formatting, code linting, and debugging to streamline the development workflow.

Set up a project workspace

Once Visual Studio Code is set up with the necessary extensions and configurations, you can create a project workspace for your frontend web development projects. You can use the integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code to run commands for building and testing your applications.


Setting up Visual Studio Code for frontend web development in Windows 11 is a straightforward process that involves installing the necessary extensions, configuring settings, and creating a project workspace. Visual Studio Code provides a powerful and flexible development environment for frontend web developers working with Angular, React, and Vue.

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Chiko Shogun
7 months ago

Thank you for this video, really helpful