Setting up YouTube API with Node.js and OAuth in June 2023: A Beginner’s Guide

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Youtube API Node JS OAuth Basic Setup

Youtube API Node JS OAuth Basic Setup

If you are interested in integrating Youtube API with your Node JS application, you will need to set up OAuth for authentication. This article will guide you through the basic setup process for June 2023.

Step 1: Create a project in Google Cloud Console

First, you will need to create a new project in the Google Cloud Console. Once you have created the project, go to the “APIs & Services” section and enable the Youtube Data API v3 for your project.

Step 2: Generate OAuth credentials

Next, you will need to create OAuth 2.0 credentials for your project. Go to the “Credentials” section in the Google Cloud Console, and click on “Create credentials” and then select “OAuth client ID”. Choose “Web application” as the application type, and add the appropriate redirect URIs for your Node JS application. Once you have created the credentials, make sure to note down the client ID and client secret for later use.

Step 3: Install the googleapis package

In your Node JS application, install the googleapis package using npm:

            npm install googleapis

Step 4: Authenticate the client with OAuth

Now, you can use the client ID and client secret generated in step 2 to authenticate the client with OAuth in your Node JS application. Use the following code to do so:

            const {google} = require('googleapis');

            const oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(

Step 5: Make API calls

Once the client is authenticated, you can make API calls to the Youtube Data API v3 using the googleapis package. For example, you can fetch a list of videos using the following code:

            const youtube ={
                version: 'v3',
                auth: oauth2Client

                part: 'snippet',
                q: 'cats'
            .then(response => {
            .catch(err => {
                console.error('Error: ' + err);

With these basic steps, you can set up OAuth for authentication and make API calls to the Youtube Data API v3 in your Node JS application. Happy coding!

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Evgeniy lalala
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Votno s
7 months ago

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