Seven Pounds of Scrap Computer Parts

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Seven pounds of computer scrap may not seem like much, but it can contain valuable materials that can be salvaged and repurposed for other uses. In this tutorial, we will explore how to properly handle and sort through seven pounds of computer scrap to maximize the potential for reuse.

To start, it’s important to have the proper tools and safety equipment on hand. This may include:

– Gloves to protect your hands from sharp edges and chemical residue
– Safety goggles to protect your eyes
– A mask to protect your lungs from dust and fumes
– Cutting tools, such as pliers and wire cutters, to dismantle the computer scrap
– A magnet to help sort through metal components

Now, let’s begin sorting through the computer scrap. Start by laying out all of the components and organizing them into categories. Some common categories may include:

– Circuit boards
– Hard drives
– Power supplies
– RAM sticks
– CPUs
– Fan and heat sinks
– Cables and wires

Next, let’s explore how to properly handle and process each category of computer scrap.

Circuit boards:
Circuit boards contain valuable metals, such as gold, silver, and copper. To remove the metals, you will need to carefully desolder the components using a desoldering pump or soldering iron. Be sure to work in a well-ventilated area to prevent exposure to harmful fumes. Once the components are removed, you can sell or recycle the metals.

Hard drives:
Hard drives contain valuable materials, such as aluminum, copper, and rare earth magnets. To extract the materials, you will need to open the hard drive casing using a screwdriver and remove the internal components. Be sure to properly dispose of the sensitive data stored on the hard drive to protect your privacy.

Power supplies:
Power supplies contain copper wire and other metals that can be salvaged for reuse. To extract the materials, you will need to cut open the power supply casing using cutting tools and remove the internal components. Be sure to properly dispose of any hazardous materials, such as capacitors.

RAM sticks:
RAM sticks contain gold-plated contacts and other valuable metals. To extract the metals, you will need to remove the heat spreader using a heat gun or other method. Be careful not to damage the contacts during the extraction process.

CPUs contain gold-plated pins and other valuable metals. To extract the metals, you will need to carefully remove the CPU from the socket using a CPU extraction tool or similar method. Be sure to handle the CPU with care to avoid damaging the pins.

Fan and heat sinks:
Fans and heat sinks contain aluminum and other metals that can be salvaged for reuse. To extract the materials, you will need to remove the components from the computer casing using a screwdriver or similar tool. Be sure to properly dispose of any thermal paste or other residues.

Cables and wires:
Cables and wires contain copper and other valuable metals that can be salvaged for reuse. To extract the metals, you will need to carefully strip the insulation using wire cutters or similar tools. Be sure to properly dispose of any plastic insulation or other non-metallic materials.

Once you have sorted through and processed all of the components, you can sell or recycle the valuable materials for cash or use them for other DIY projects. Remember to practice proper safety precautions throughout the handling and processing of computer scrap to protect yourself and the environment.

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2 months ago

Take a shot every time he adds more hydrochloric acid

2 months ago

It's unclear how much silver is in a solar panel and that has allowed the silver institute to manipulate data from the solar market.

Any chance you could find out for us?

2 months ago

how do u prepare your filters

2 months ago

Quick question: I want to inquart with copper but can I still use the non Nitric method to remove the copper the same as with silver (using boiling sulfuric)? I’m pretty sure it’s the same but thought I would see what you thought about it.

2 months ago

Morning Gunny! Have you ever considered using a centrifuge for separation of parcipitate from solution? I've been using one to separate my boils when the solution refuses to go through the Buckner filter. It works trig!

I decided that I'm too old to wait for 1 Earth gravity to drop my parcipitate. Cranking up things up to 20 gravities or so with a centrifuge really helps.

The one I purchased from Amazon, can handle 200 ml at a go. I think that you'd find it an invaluable tool! Looks good on the Lab bench also 😂!

Enjoy all your incredible videos! I wish I had a way to show you my first ever production run, poured ingot with our LOGO on it! All thanks too you, my dear friend, who got me started in this incredible, "hobby"!

Thanks again for suggesting GFS CHEMICAL! They have, hands down, the best prices, extensive product line and services! I'm expecting my first delivery of HN03 this week from them! Thanks for all you do!


2 months ago

Where did your gold come from and what is the price?

2 months ago

I have a glass bottle of 24k gold powder that is super fine like talc powder. I was told it was used in the dental industry. My problem is that it is so fine, I can’t get it all out of the bottle as some of the fine powder is sticking to the interior. I’ve rinsed the bottle with alcohol, but it isn’t coming out. I have a feeling, it’s going to be booger to get off of the baggie I used to weigh it as well. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I want to melt it into a bar, because no one will buy it in its current form, but I want to get all of the gold out of the glass container and baggie first.

Any tips?

2 months ago

Jebac reklamy

2 months ago

Are you gonna have another go at casting a chess piece again? It was interesting and to keep practicing can lead to success.

2 months ago

Hi you r my fav refiner on utube I have challenge for u there two new methods extract good from aquaregia one is whey protein heated in acid bath make sponge then sponge placed aquaregia an melted for gold the second is Graphene membranes no one online has done this yet I would love u try and see if it can be done 👍 if u do it pls let me know I’m dying see someone try this method hope u will can’t wait if u do thanks much love from uk and love ur channel that’s why ask u an none else

2 months ago

Hi i had to much nitric acid and gold wasn’t recovered as it was getting back into the solution immediately Evan if put
more suduom
I had aluminum to kill the nitric it did
Now i have a send of mix gold & aluminum how do i recover the gold ?
Thanks so much

2 months ago

the gold is worth about 875 US and ebay trying to sell it for 1100 US, why would someone over pay for gold ? the sale ended zero bids greedy doesnt do well. Especially since you got the scrap bag for what 75bucks ?? you should have sold it for 800 so everyone wins to make the sale vs selling something well above market value. most folks can just buy pure gold for market value today, nobody will over pay for scrape refined gold. dont be a bad person ripping off people over pricing gold for more then its real value. dont need to do that nonsense

2 months ago

31 grams gold 999

2 months ago

I just wanna say that i got respect and admiration for you just as much as if you were my father. You're an amazing person with many spiritual qualities, and i have nothing but respect for you.

2 months ago

Do you clean these off before you start your measurements and processing?
I worked in a service lab for a few years, and even these fingers will become soiled with dust and other schmutz etc. It might help the initial nitric boil do more to loosen out the gold.

2 months ago

0.35% yield. I wonder how much Sreetips paid for the fingers? Every time I check eBay for such, sellers are asking many times more than the value of the Gold the scrap contains.

2 months ago

I know I'm really late, but something just occurred to me: we haven't seen the silver cell in quite a while. Six liter, was it? How's that Big Ole Boss Hogg doing? As always, great vid👍

2 months ago

Good work team

2 months ago

Nice wrap to the Computer scrap series! I have a suggestion for a video Sree. I saw this guy precipitating gold with a solution of stannous chloride, would you give it a try? I think it would be a cool experiment

2 months ago

That’s some great looking gold. I love it! Where do you get the fingers?