Shorts: The Next 13 in Next.js

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Exploring Next 13 with #shorts

Exploring Next 13 with #shorts

If you’re a developer or simply interested in web development, you may have heard about Next.js. Next.js is a popular open-source React framework that enables the creation of dynamic, server-side rendered web applications.

Recently, the team behind Next.js released version 13, which brings a host of new features and improvements. One interesting addition is the introduction of the #shorts feature, which allows developers to create short, focused, and reusable components within their Next.js projects.

What are #shorts?

#shorts are a new way to create and use small, lightweight components in Next.js. They are designed to be extremely portable and can be easily shared and reused across different projects. #shorts can be used to encapsulate specific functionality, such as a form input, a button, or a navigation menu, making it easier to maintain and update these components across an entire application.

How to use #shorts in Next.js

To create a #short, all you need to do is define a new JavaScript file in your Next.js project, and then mark it with the #shorts annotation. This indicates that the file contains a reusable component. Once the #short is defined, you can import it into any other file in your project and use it just like any other React component. This makes it easy to build a library of reusable components that can be used across your entire application.

Benefits of using #shorts

Using #shorts in your Next.js projects comes with several benefits. First and foremost, it helps to improve the organization and maintainability of your code. By encapsulating specific functionality into reusable components, you can reduce the amount of duplicate code in your project and make it easier to update and maintain your application over time.

Additionally, #shorts make it easier to share and collaborate on code across different projects. By creating a library of #shorts, you can easily share these components with other developers, or even with the wider community. This can help to foster a culture of reusability and collaboration within the Next.js ecosystem.


Next.js 13 introduces the exciting new #shorts feature, which allows developers to create and use small, reusable components within their projects. This new feature can help to improve the organization and maintainability of your code, as well as foster a culture of reusability and collaboration within the Next.js community. If you’re working with Next.js, be sure to check out the #shorts feature and see how it can benefit your projects!