Should I learn Flutter in 2024?

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Is it worth learning Flutter in 2024?

Is it worth learning Flutter in 2024?

Flutter, Google’s open-source framework for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase, has gained popularity since its release in 2017. As we look towards 2024, the question arises – is it worth learning Flutter in the upcoming year?

Here are a few reasons why learning Flutter in 2024 may be a wise decision:

  1. Increasing demand: Flutter is being adopted by more and more companies for their app development needs. With a growing demand for Flutter developers, learning this framework can open up new job opportunities for you.
  2. Cross-platform development: Flutter allows you to write once and deploy on multiple platforms, saving time and effort in developing apps for different operating systems. This can make you more efficient and versatile as a developer.
  3. Performance and User Experience: Flutter offers high performance and smooth animations, making it a preferred choice for developing visually appealing applications. Learning Flutter can help you create engaging user interfaces and deliver a good user experience.
  4. Community support: Flutter has a strong community of developers who are always ready to help and support each other. By learning Flutter, you can become a part of this community and contribute to its growth.

However, it’s important to consider the potential challenges of learning Flutter in 2024 as well:

  1. Continuous updates: Like any technology, Flutter is constantly evolving with new updates and features. Keeping up with these changes may require ongoing learning and adaptation.
  2. Competition: As the popularity of Flutter grows, the competition among developers also increases. You may need to showcase your skills and stay ahead of the curve to stand out in the job market.
  3. Learning curve: If you are new to app development or programming, learning Flutter may have a steep learning curve. It may take time and effort to become proficient in using the framework effectively.

In conclusion, whether or not it’s worth learning Flutter in 2024 depends on your interests, career goals, and willingness to adapt to a rapidly changing tech landscape. If you are passionate about app development, enjoy learning new technologies, and are committed to continuous improvement, learning Flutter can be a rewarding experience that opens up new opportunities for you in the future.

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1 day ago

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1 day ago

Hello Is it flutterflow will also make the flutter jobs lesser in market.If flutterflow get rich options then it will become completely nod code base or not

1 day ago

why 2024 ?? It is usual analysis for all time.

1 day ago

Google has laid off staff from Dart and Flutter ..

1 day ago

i just finished java course should i go learning android studio and make native apps? or learn flutter. btw there's alot flutter jobs in my country

1 day ago

In 2024 for learning purpouse and grabbing job ,Which is better React Native or Flutter??

1 day ago

Gracias por este video. Me ha ayudado mucho a decidir qué framework aprenderé.

1 day ago

Hii there, This is Manjunath I live in India. I have some experience in native android application development. Now I wanted to learn whether flutter or React native so that i can get job easily and immediately.

1 day ago

Is it good to learn to make career in if i am starting now??

1 day ago

What advantages do you think Flutter has over React Native?

1 day ago

I got this junior opportunity as flutter developer in a company when I had zero knowledge in flutter. I’m just 2 weeks there and I can see its potential and I personally love it. However, my goal is to reach a senior level in a tool then work abroad, Europe, Gulf, Canada.. etc.

There’s also another opportunity as a backend junior rails developer. I’m in a critical time where whatever I pick I am building my life career on it.

As a senior flutter developer yourself, what would be your advice?

1 day ago

Hey David, good video! Do you think the demand for Flutter Devs will grow in the market for the next years? As i see, currently not so many companies are using it compared with the ones using React Native

1 day ago

What about Python Flet?

1 day ago

I had spent a week and found that the Dart architecture is poor and would be very time consuming trying to get something to work. Flutter seems to have some good features that I like. Dart destroys the concept of inheritance and it seems to use wrapper in place of inheritance. For example if you want to extend a TextField to provide access, you will have to create a class extending a widget and return the TextField instead of extending TextField directly.

1 day ago

well explaIn

1 day ago

Hello, how's the job/freelance market or demand for Flutter in US, Canada other first world countries ?

1 day ago

I really did want to learn flutter but I have a really Low-end PC. Barely runs VS code

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