Simple and Hassle-Free Installation of Scikit-Learn Using Miniconda.

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Scikit-learn is a popular machine learning library in Python that provides a wide range of tools for building machine learning models. In this tutorial, we will show you the easiest way to install Scikit-learn using Miniconda, a lightweight version of the Anaconda package manager.

Miniconda is a minimal installer for conda, a package and environment manager that lets you easily install, update, and manage Python packages and dependencies. By using Miniconda, you can install Scikit-learn and its dependencies in a way that is isolated from the rest of your system, preventing conflicts with other packages.

Here are the steps to install Scikit-learn using Miniconda:

Step 1: Download and Install Miniconda

The first step is to download and install Miniconda. You can download the installer for your operating system from the Miniconda website:

Once you have downloaded the installer, follow the installation instructions for your operating system to install Miniconda on your machine.

Step 2: Create a New Conda Environment

After installing Miniconda, open a terminal or command prompt and create a new conda environment for installing Scikit-learn. You can create a new environment using the following command:

conda create -n myenv python=3.8

Replace myenv with the name of the environment you want to create. You can also specify a different version of Python if needed.

Step 3: Activate the Conda Environment

Once you have created the conda environment, activate it by running the following command:

conda activate myenv

Replace myenv with the name of the environment you created in the previous step. Activating the environment will ensure that any packages you install are isolated from the rest of your system.

Step 4: Install Scikit-learn

With the conda environment activated, you can now install Scikit-learn and its dependencies using the following command:

conda install scikit-learn

This command will install the latest version of Scikit-learn and all the necessary dependencies required for running machine learning algorithms.

Step 5: Verify the Installation

Once the installation is complete, you can verify that Scikit-learn has been successfully installed by opening a Python interpreter and importing the library:

import sklearn

If you see the version number of Scikit-learn printed to the console, then the installation was successful.

That’s it! You have now successfully installed Scikit-learn using Miniconda without any hassles. You can start building machine learning models using the powerful tools provided by Scikit-learn in your new conda environment.

In this tutorial, we have shown you the easiest way to install Scikit-learn using Miniconda. By using Miniconda, you can easily manage your Python packages and dependencies, making it easy to install and update machine learning libraries like Scikit-learn. We hope this tutorial was helpful in getting you started with Scikit-learn. Happy coding!

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5 days ago

Tack ska du ha Herr Brakskit!

5 days ago

Did​ it​ work​ on visual​ studio​ code?

5 days ago

That's a weird way to say environment

5 days ago

Very helpful! Thank you!

5 days ago

My anaconda prompt is showing
Conda value error and it is showing base
Pls help

5 days ago

Hi, thanks for sharing , stupid question : how did u jump to that window called "cmd" after you installed sk learning package at 5:55? Because I don't know where and how to create a window like that ….Thanks !

5 days ago

thank you based pajeet

5 days ago


5 days ago

Hey bro, what's that peppy song?

5 days ago

how do i activate this environment if im using pycharm ide? changing the program interpreter to MachineLearning/python.exe gives error "Missing Module" while executing import sklearn

5 days ago

conda install scikit-learn
simple as that IIN-VAIR-ON-MENT

5 days ago

IIN-VAIR-ON-MENT, not en-viron-ment.

I am sure you can pronounce environment correctly mate, other than that great video!

5 days ago

Hi, I tried installing this and when I import sklearn, it gives this error.
C:… DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working from collections import Sequence
Other packages like numpy,scipy can be imported. Could you please help me with this?

5 days ago

thank you :)!

5 days ago

pip install -U scikit-learn

5 days ago

im submitting a project , how do i send my environment so that when my lecturer runs the code it wont give him bullshit

5 days ago

thank you sir

5 days ago

That worked great on Mac (High Sierra), thanks for the informative video. I wasn't having much luck doing it manually, then miniconda shows 23 dependencies that I needed! 🙂 By the way, I'm not finding any references to 'Fortitudinal Testidude' online!

5 days ago

when i create an enviornment like conda create -name machinelearning scikit_learn the following occur
Pakagenotfounderror: pakage missing in currrent channel
guide me in this regard

5 days ago

So nice..Rakshith

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