Simple Vue.js Form Creation

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Effortless Vue.js Forms

Effortless Vue.js Forms

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that simplifies the process of building interactive web applications. One of the key features of Vue.js is its ability to create dynamic forms with minimal effort.

Creating a Basic Form

To create a basic form in Vue.js, you can use the `v-model` directive to bind form input values to data properties in the Vue instance. For example:

new Vue({
el: ‘#exampleForm’,
data: {
name: ”
methods: {
submitForm() {
alert(‘Submitted: ‘ +;

Adding Validation

You can add validation to your Vue.js forms by using the `v-show` directive to conditionally display error messages based on form input. For example:

Please enter a valid email address

new Vue({
el: ‘#validateForm’,
data: {
email: ”,
isValidEmail: true
methods: {
submitForm() {
if (‘@’)) {
this.isValidEmail = true;
alert(‘Submitted: ‘ +;
} else {
this.isValidEmail = false;

With just a few lines of code, you can create dynamic and interactive forms in Vue.js. Experiment with different features and directives to build powerful forms for your web applications.

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3 months ago

What's the use-case for recentlySuccessful?

3 months ago

VeeValidate does all this + much more, and is documented (and the native Constraint Validation API can also help a lot), but this is a nice speed-run showcasing how it might be set up from scratch 👍

3 months ago

Very nice. This is almost identical to inertia form

3 months ago

very nice video, love it

3 months ago

Nice video. Btw, you could use structuredClone from js which creates also a deep copy of the object without depend on lodash 😀

3 months ago

More Vuejs tutorials please 💚

3 months ago

jsfiddle or github link if possible 🙂 ?

3 months ago

Damn this is quite beautiful.
I implemented something very similar from scratch; glad to see I wasn't just making up a needlessly convoluted mess.

There are some abstractions here that are quite nice, but I'd be hesitant to implement in my codebase just because I know it would be difficult for other devs to follow.

I sometimes need to prioritize explicit-ness over eloquence unfortunately…
I try my best to consider future devs working in the codebase, who may be unfamiliar with these conventions.

3 months ago

Really well put together. Nicely done.

3 months ago

Wow, that is very useful, Thanks for sharing.

3 months ago

The hooks system seems so powerfull !

3 months ago

2:00 Why install lodash when we have structuredClone()?

3 months ago

missing tallstack code snippet but i successfully implement it and it work like a charm 😍

3 months ago

i need a video for "Laravel 11 Sanctum SPA Authentication" please,

i have watched all videos on youtube and google and ai websites with no solution, i need it soon as possible and i can pay for it,
no problem

3 months ago

why is the video title "effortless"😅

3 months ago

Always learning new things from your videos 🔥🔥🔥