Simplifying Angular App Development

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Angular is a popular front-end framework that is used to build powerful and dynamic web applications. However, some developers find it challenging to code Angular apps due to its complex structure and the steep learning curve. In this tutorial, we will explore an easier way to code Angular apps by breaking down the process into simple steps.

Step 1: Set up your development environment
Before you start coding your Angular app, you need to set up your development environment. This involves installing Node.js, npm (Node Package Manager), and Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) on your machine. Angular CLI is a powerful tool that allows you to create, build, and test Angular applications with ease.

To install Node.js and npm, you can download and run the installer from the official Node.js website. Once Node.js and npm are installed, you can install Angular CLI using the following command:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Step 2: Create a new Angular project
Once Angular CLI is installed, you can create a new Angular project by running the following command in your terminal:

ng new my-angular-app

This command will create a new Angular project with the name "my-angular-app" in the current directory. Angular CLI will set up all the necessary files and folders for your project, including the Angular boilerplate code.

Step 3: Run your Angular app
After creating a new Angular project, you can run your app locally by navigating to the project directory and running the following command:

cd my-angular-app
ng serve

This command will start a development server and run your Angular app on http://localhost:4200 by default. You can view your app in a web browser by navigating to this URL.

Step 4: Build your Angular app
Once you have developed your Angular app and are ready to deploy it to a production environment, you can build your app using the following command:

ng build --prod

This command will compile your Angular app and generate production-ready files in the "dist" folder. You can then deploy these files to a web server to make your app live.

Step 5: Use Angular CLI commands
Angular CLI provides a set of useful commands that can make coding Angular apps easier and more efficient. Some of the commonly used commands include:

  • ng generate component : This command generates a new Angular component with the specified name.
  • ng generate service : This command generates a new Angular service with the specified name.
  • ng generate module : This command generates a new Angular module with the specified name.

By using these commands, you can quickly create new components, services, and modules in your Angular app without having to write the boilerplate code from scratch.

In conclusion, coding Angular apps can be made easier by following the steps outlined in this tutorial. By setting up your development environment, creating a new Angular project, running and building your app, and using Angular CLI commands, you can streamline the development process and build powerful web applications with Angular. Happy coding!

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19 days ago

I appreciate a lot this explanation. Finding variables through the code is always a mess for me. But I dont understand the last code example. The buyItem method is empty and said that is managed by observable… But how? Can someone give me some hint? Thanks

19 days ago

did you forget to add the takeUntil or is it unnecessary for some reason?

19 days ago

thank for your sharing

19 days ago

2:15 lol so you think declarative means methods with good names, what a joke.

19 days ago

instead of writing itemsLeftInStock > 0 ? true : false, you can just write itemsLeftInStock > 0

19 days ago

itemsLeftInStock > 0 ? true : false; is brilliant 😂

19 days ago

The subtle way how music enter when the video is about to end🤌🏻

19 days ago

3:50 Readonly in javascript will lie to you. If itemsLeftInStock is an object, the object reference is readonly, but the internals can change. The observables in HomeComponent can be made readonly which will prevent reassignment of the object while still allowing the objects to reflect underlying changes. I can see this tripping up those new to reactive style programming.

19 days ago

This is a really great video and I'm going to show it to our other devs. I'm also glad that because it's informative and practical, the comment section isn't going to devolve into ribbing you like the last several more…experimental…videos.

19 days ago

for( let i =0; i > myArray.length; i++) did anyone notice the i>myArray.length?

19 days ago

How would you handle if condition would be like
canPurchase and notAlreadyAdded / canPurchase and alreadyAdded ?
You knkw, in real-world, there are many many such conditions that are required to be handled from ts file, not only for html template with async,
I am not sure why there is no async like pipe for ts file to deal with observables.

19 days ago

As a newby developer is the first time I get into declarative vs Imperative. It's blowing my mind! Do you explore all of this more in depth in your course?

19 days ago

So, I'm currently focusing on wrapping my head around wave function collapse and am almost there. That's how I found your channel this morning. Got this vid in my recommended figured I'd give it a shot. Been procrastinating on learning more of Angular and a lot of tutorials for it don't leave me feeling like I really understand what I'm doing or what's happening. But this gave me a whole lot in 9 minutes- it gave me some why's and how's for best practices, and doesn't overload with every bit of information to know at once. But just as importantly, it made me aware of weaknesses- the only thing I still don't follow understand is promises and obversables. But, I'm left with those two alone, and not 500 other things I'm super stressed about learning. One step at a time though, got a concrete thing to work on now.

19 days ago

Thanks Nice example!

19 days ago

Nicely explained

19 days ago

One of the most valuable videos on the internet, simple and fabulous, more people should know these techniques.

19 days ago

So this video is nice, but I'm missing one thing here badly. This buy button doesnt do anything now. Whats the best way to update our itemsLeftInStock now?

19 days ago

Fantastic explanation
I've just started using Angular and RxJS and I knew right from the start that I was missing something. This coding style looks unnatural at first, but now I'm starting to understand it's benefits.

19 days ago

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19 days ago

I like that approach as well. But if don't do subscribe we loose easy way to handle errors. So when we do subscribe, we handle success and error response from API for example. If we pass Observable as in the example – we don't have place how to let View know about error. I think need to introduce some container here, like Either monad.

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