
Solid.js has improved significantly.

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Solid.js Just Got WAY Better

Solid.js Just Got WAY Better

Great news for developers using Solid.js – it just got a major update that makes it even better! Solid.js is a declarative JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It has gained popularity in the web development community for its simplicity and performance.

New Features and Improvements

The latest update to Solid.js brings a host of new features and improvements that will enhance the development experience and make building web applications even easier. Some of the key updates include:

  • Improved Performance: Solid.js now boasts even better performance, making it one of the fastest libraries for building modern web applications. This is great news for developers who want to ensure their applications are responsive and efficient.
  • Enhanced Developer Tools: The update also includes enhancements to developer tools, making it easier to debug and optimize Solid.js applications. This will streamline the development process and help developers build high-quality applications more effectively.
  • New APIs and Components: The latest release introduces new APIs and components, expanding the capabilities of Solid.js and providing developers with more options for building innovative and feature-rich applications.
  • Improved Documentation: The update also includes improvements to the documentation, making it easier for developers to get started with Solid.js and learn how to leverage its powerful features for their projects.

Getting Started with Solid.js

If you’re new to Solid.js, now is a great time to get started with the library and take advantage of its latest improvements. You can easily incorporate Solid.js into your projects by including the library in your HTML file and using its simple yet powerful syntax to create dynamic user interfaces.

Here’s a basic example of how you can get started with Solid.js:

  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>My Solid.js App</title>
      <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/solid-js@latest/dist/solid.dev.js"></script>
      <div id="app"></div>

        const { createSignal } = solid;
        const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);
        const Counter = () => (
            <p>Count: {count()}</p>
            <button onclick={() => setCount(count() + 1)}>Increment</button>
        solid.render(Counter, document.getElementById('app'));

With Solid.js, you can quickly build interactive and responsive user interfaces without the overhead of more complex frameworks. And now, with its latest update, Solid.js has become even more powerful and feature-rich.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started with web development, Solid.js is definitely worth checking out. Its simplicity, performance, and now, its new and improved features make it a compelling choice for building modern web applications.

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5 months ago

How much they paid you for that?

5 months ago

so will Solid.js kill React Js from web dev world? should we start to rewrite our app with Solid.js instead?

5 months ago

Hmm very good that i don’t have to work in that insane field so many frameworks. So much energy wasted.

5 months ago

0:09 – I don't see jQuery on that list. Wondering how much faster it is than all of them.

5 months ago


5 months ago

Solid and Svelte are the next big poo, I think everyone should just take a big whiff; they are the future. The more ironed out things become, eventually there won't be any frameworks, just a collection of plugable libraries for a developer to pick and choose from.

5 months ago

Qwik is the most impressive hands down

5 months ago

more solid js!

5 months ago

Can React borrow the good parts of Solid? I mean, without being incompatible with current versions

5 months ago

Astro + Kwik looks like it has amazing potential.

5 months ago

Qwik-city has a few different goals than React and Solid Start, but it's nice to see how they are influencing each other. I didn't get the impression that removing server$ implied that you couldn't co-mingle server and client code. It looked like you still could

5 months ago

Do proper deep dive into Nuxt js! You won’t regret. Much appreciated that you recognise the advantages of other frameworks over the obvious shortcomings of React and Next !

5 months ago

HTMX is the best.

5 months ago

I dont understand why solid over nuxt ?

5 months ago

I am fan of Qwik and Qwik City. For it offers the Best of Everything, including their support for React components. The only problem are things using context wrapping whole app (like Clerk), because if you qwikify them, whole Qwik app is now one big island. :/

5 months ago

I wish I didn’t use next on this project I’m already balls deep in. Ugh it’s so annoying

5 months ago

is problem of new TS decorators in vite solved?

5 months ago

qwik and solid have me the most excited

5 months ago

my issue nowdays is to choose between solid and svelte. i love both. both are about the same speed (with svelte 5 that is)

5 months ago

All these frameworks are doing way too much. Leave the backend to backend.