Solving Counter and Dial Logic Puzzles in an Escape Room using Raspberry Pi and PySimpleGUI

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In this tutorial, we will create an escape room puzzle using counter/dial logic on a Raspberry Pi with PySimpleGUI. The idea is to create a puzzle where the players have to figure out the correct combination of numbers on a dial in order to unlock a box or door and proceed to the next stage of the game. This type of puzzle is often used in escape rooms to challenge players’ problem-solving skills and to add an element of excitement and mystery to the game.

To get started, make sure you have Python and PySimpleGUI installed on your Raspberry Pi. If you don’t have PySimpleGUI installed, you can do so by running the following command in the terminal:

pip install PySimpleGUI

Next, create a new Python script and import the necessary libraries:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

Now, let’s create the main function that will display the puzzle to the players and handle their input:

def main():
    layout = [
        [sg.Text('Enter the correct combination of numbers on the dial:')],
        [sg.InputText(size=(4, 1), key='input')],
        [sg.Output(size=(30, 5))]

    window = sg.Window('Escape Room Puzzle - Counter/Dial Logic', layout)

    while True:
        event, values =

        if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:

        if event == 'Submit':


def validate_combination(input):
    # Your logic to validate the combination goes here
    # For example, you can check if the input matches the correct combination
    correct_combination = '1234'

    if input == correct_combination:
        print('Congratulations! You have unlocked the box.')
        print('Incorrect combination. Try again.')

In the main function, we create a simple GUI layout with an input field for the players to enter their guess and a submit button to submit their answer. When the submit button is clicked, the validate_combination function is called with the input value as an argument. In the validate_combination function, you can implement your logic to validate the combination of numbers entered by the player.

You can customize the layout and logic of the puzzle according to your preferences and the theme of your escape room game. For example, you can add clues or hints to help the players solve the puzzle, or make the puzzle more challenging by increasing the number of digits in the combination.

Finally, run the script on your Raspberry Pi by executing the following command in the terminal:


Your escape room puzzle using counter/dial logic with PySimpleGUI should now be ready to play on your Raspberry Pi. Have fun creating challenging and exciting puzzles for your players to solve!

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9 days ago

Great video! Is there a place where I can download the code you used?

9 days ago

I can't hear you? Very very quiet.

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