
Solving the Blazor Puzzle: Puzzle 32 – How to update Parameters

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The Blazor Puzzle: Puzzle 32 – Updating Parameters

The Blazor Puzzle: Puzzle 32 – Updating Parameters

Blazor is a popular framework for building interactive web applications using C# and .NET. In Blazor, components can communicate with each other by passing parameters. In this puzzle, we will explore how to update parameters in Blazor components.


Imagine you have a parent component that contains a child component. The child component has a parameter called “count” that determines the number of items to display. You want the parent component to update the “count” parameter of the child component based on user input.


In order to update parameters in Blazor components, you can use event callbacks. Here’s how you can achieve this:

  • Define a parameter in the parent component that will hold the updated value.
  • Create a method in the parent component that updates the parameter value.
  • Pass the method as an event callback to the child component.
  • In the child component, invoke the event callback with the updated value.

Code Example:

// ParentComponent.razor
@page "/parent"
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components

Parent Component

Enter the number of items to display:

@code { int newCount; void UpdateCount(int value) { newCount = value; } } // ChildComponent.razor @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components

Child Component

Displaying @Count items

@code { [Parameter] public int Count { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback UpdateCount { get; set; } }

By following these steps and using event callbacks, you can easily update parameters in Blazor components and create dynamic and interactive web applications. Happy coding!