
Solving the “Could not connect to development server on React Native Android” Issue: A Step-by-Step Example

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React Native: Fixing “Could not connect to development server” on Android

React Native: Fixing “Could not connect to development server” on Android

If you’re developing a React Native application for Android, you may encounter the error message “Could not connect to development server” when trying to run your app. This can be frustrating, but there are a few steps you can take to fix this issue.

Step 1: Check your network connection

First, make sure that your Android device and the computer running your development server are connected to the same network. If they are not, the device will not be able to reach the development server and you will see the error message. Once you have confirmed that both devices are on the same network, try running your app again.

Step 2: Update your development server address

In some cases, the development server address may need to be updated in order for the Android device to connect. To do this, open the file `android/app/src/main/java/com/yourAppName/MainApplication.java` and find the line that sets the development server address. It should look something like this:

  private String getJSMainModuleName() {
    return "index";

The address specified in this file should match the address of your development server. If it does not, update it to reflect the correct address and try running your app again.

Step 3: Check for firewall or antivirus issues

If you have a firewall or antivirus software running on your development server, it may be blocking the connection from your Android device. To fix this, try disabling the firewall or antivirus software temporarily and see if you are able to connect to the development server. If this resolves the issue, you may need to adjust the settings of your firewall or antivirus software to allow the connection.


By following these steps, you should be able to fix the “Could not connect to development server” error on your React Native Android app. Remember to always check your network connection, update your development server address, and consider any firewall or antivirus issues that may be causing the problem.

Good luck with your React Native development!


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6 months ago

Thanks man, you saved my day

6 months ago

The sound is terrible.

6 months ago

0 seconds ago
if still someone stucked in that issue add android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" in android manifest file under application tag, i spent 2, 3 hours on that issue finally solved.

6 months ago

bro, you are THE LIFE SAVER!!! tank you so much, I had my doubts about this, but it really worked!

6 months ago

I almost never feel the need to comment on YouTube videos, but this worked for me when many other solutions did not.