Sotona pobjegla iz Django dohaka Brkatoj – Pazite se, bježite dok još možete! 😉

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Django dohakao Brkatoj sotoni, Sotona pobjegla, bježi te noge usraću vas 😉 is a popular meme that has been circulating on the internet for some time now. It originated from a viral video of a man threatening to unleash his dog Django on a mythical creature called Brkatoj sotoni, who then flees in fear.

In this tutorial, we will break down the meme and explain how you can create your own version of it using Django, a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

Step 1: Setting up Django
First and foremost, you’ll need to have Django installed on your system. You can install Django using pip, the Python package manager, by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install Django

Once Django is installed, you can create a new Django project by running the following command:

django-admin startproject sotona

This will create a new directory called sotona with the required files and folders for your Django project.

Step 2: Creating a Django app
Next, you’ll need to create a Django app within your project. An app in Django is a web application that performs a specific function. You can create a new app by running the following command in your terminal:

python startapp brkatoj

This will create a new directory called brkatoj within your project with the required files and folders for your Django app.

Step 3: Writing the view
Now that you have created a Django app, you can start writing the view that will render the meme on a web page. Open the file within your brkatoj app and add the following code:

from django.shortcuts import render

def sotona(request):
    return render(request, 'brkatoj/sotona.html')

This code defines a view called sotona that will render the sotona.html template. You’ll need to create the sotona.html template in the templates/brkatoj directory within your brkatoj app.

Step 4: Writing the template
Create a new file called sotona.html within the templates/brkatoj directory and add the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Django dohakao Brkatoj sotoni, Sotona pobjegla, bježi te noge usraću vas 😉</title>
    <h1>Django dohakao Brkatoj sotoni</h1>
    <img src="" alt="Brkatoj sotoni">
    <p>Sotona pobjegla, bježi te noge usraću vas 😉</p>

This code defines the structure of the meme with a heading, an image of Brkatoj sotoni, and a paragraph that completes the meme. You can replace the image URL with any meme image of your choice.

Step 5: Updating the URLconf
Finally, you’ll need to update the URLconf of your Django project to include the view you created. Open the file within your sotona project and add the following code:

from django.urls import path
from brkatoj import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('sotona/', views.sotona, name='sotona'),

This code maps the sotona URL to the sotona view that you created in the brkatoj app. Now, when you navigate to http://localhost:8000/sotona/ in your web browser, you should see the meme rendered on the page.

Congratulations! You have successfully created your own version of the Django dohakao Brkatoj sotoni, Sotona pobjegla, bježi te noge usraću vas 😉 meme using Django. Feel free to customize the meme further by adding more elements or functionality to make it your own. Happy coding!

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3 hours ago

Poz svima

3 hours ago

Pozdrav od VUKA
Suze te cine jos hrabrijim jer su i emocije Iskrene. Pozdrav Ambasadore Django

3 hours ago

Dango , govori istinu pa cak i aki ti se glas trese .. nemoj se bojati istine cak i u teskim situacijama…ljudi zasluzuju znati kako se ti osjecas i ti zasluzujes da te se cuje..
Neecete voljeti svi zbog toga , ali voljet ce te oni pravi i ja sam jedan od njih..i ti ces voljeti sebe….❤❤

3 hours ago

Pa ja Đana

3 hours ago

Pozdrav za Djanga
Borac za pravdu.
Dugo traje , ali je dostizna, pogotovu kod je predvodi ljudina.
Podrska za Djanga

3 hours ago

Isplaci se brate moj olaksaj svoju plemenitu dusu.Znam taj osjecaj vrlo dobro.Samo polako brate moj.Sretno ti bilo u svemu.Zivio zdravo i sretno sto godina i vise.Sestrinski zagrljaj ti zelim.👍👍🙏🙏💪💪💚

3 hours ago

"U dobru je lako dobar biti,
Na muci se poznaju junaci."
Poštovanje junače

3 hours ago

Django , jaci od betona, izdrzao si sve nedaće , i pokazao si da si vredan sin , i majka je rodila viteza …
Bog da joj podari Raj …
Trpila je ona, i svi ce oni u penziju , a mogu dobit i po turu' …
Vratice Django svima, znam to ja , neces ostat nikom duẓ̌an , ali jebo je sebi mater ko je na tvoju porodicu udario..
Bog je uz tebe , ali ti si bio SAM , i izdržao si muke…
Karaće Đale šupke , koji su udarili na porodicu…
Duzan ostat nece … to je Django kingina…. !!!!!❤❤❤❤

3 hours ago

I mene si rasplakao brate, veliki ljudi su emotivni i suzu puste

3 hours ago

Nece dusmani daleko!Drz se legendoooooo, ljudinoooooooo

3 hours ago

Bravo Django,svi se samo mogu ugledati na tebe i voju hrabrost ,tvoju iskrenost ,i tvoju pravednost!samo hrabro i dalje 💪💪

3 hours ago

Drz se parac ti si Kralj sve je to za ljude vjerujem u tebe ti si pobjednik zivio 🥂

3 hours ago

Izdrži legendo. Samo se isplači čovjek si, nisi kamen imaš emocije. Da bog da snage i pravde da istraješ.

3 hours ago

Đango majstore samo jako.👍💪👋

3 hours ago

Dango samo hrabro istinito , nedaj nikome da te usutka…
Pozdrav iz tuzle..❤

3 hours ago

Gromado!!! 💪💪💪

3 hours ago

Dzango hvala ti puno sto si izdrzao i vratio nadu da jos postoji ljudi u BiH koji imaju muda. Tvojoj majci pokoj dusi moze biti ponosna na takvog sina i bila je .Ja kao Bosnjak odajem ti priznanje kad si sve izdrzao kapu ti skidam brate a bosnjacima ih tvog mjesta porucujem da glasaju za tebe i takve plako sam.ko godina dok sam.ovo gledo bratski pozdrav iz Donjeg Vakufa❤

3 hours ago


3 hours ago

brat moj samo ostro svojim putom drzi se desne i pici u zivot sto ti pripada….heroj i inspiracijo moja….slicnu borbu vodim sa bagrom vec 22 godine ….

3 hours ago

Pozdravljam našeg Danga

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