South Africa’s Minister Patel Reveals Plans for Green Hydrogen and Electric Vehicle Initiatives

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Minister Patel unveils Green Hydrogen and Electric Vehicle strategies in South Africa

South Africa’s Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ebrahim Patel, recently announced the government’s plans to promote the use of green hydrogen and electric vehicles in the country. The move is part of the government’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Green hydrogen, also known as renewable hydrogen, is produced through the electrolysis of water using renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. It is considered a potential game-changer in the transition to a low-carbon economy, as it can be used as a clean fuel for various applications, including transportation and industrial processes.

In his announcement, Minister Patel emphasized the potential of green hydrogen to drive economic growth and create job opportunities in South Africa. He highlighted the country’s abundant renewable energy resources, which make it an ideal location for green hydrogen production. The government plans to leverage these resources to develop a domestic green hydrogen industry and position South Africa as a global leader in the space.

In addition to green hydrogen, Minister Patel also unveiled the government’s plans to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in South Africa. The government aims to promote the manufacturing, assembly, and use of EVs as part of its broader efforts to transition to a low-carbon transport sector.

The Minister’s announcement comes at a time when many countries around the world are ramping up their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate change. The global automotive industry is also experiencing a shift towards electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles, with many major car manufacturers investing heavily in developing and producing these vehicles.

By embracing green hydrogen and electric vehicles, South Africa is positioning itself to align with international trends and commitments towards decarbonization. The move also presents an opportunity for the country to diversify its energy and transport sectors, reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, and create new avenues for economic development.

However, the successful implementation of these strategies will require coordinated efforts from the government, private sector, and other stakeholders. Key challenges such as infrastructure development, investment in technology and skills, and policy and regulatory frameworks will need to be addressed to ensure the success of these initiatives.

In conclusion, Minister Patel’s unveiling of the green hydrogen and electric vehicle strategies is a significant step towards advancing South Africa’s sustainable development goals. By harnessing the potential of green hydrogen and electric vehicles, the country can reduce its carbon footprint, create new economic opportunities, and contribute to the global efforts to combat climate change. It is an exciting time for South Africa as it embarks on this journey towards a greener, more sustainable future.

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6 months ago

$8.8 billion donated to SA to break into the EV market – how are the EVs going to be charged up on demand when there is a failure in electricity supply for houses? Use some of this money to correct and increase the supply of electricity. In California they have not been able to increase sales of EVs and have had owners just parking them as California are unable to cater for the rise in demand for electricity for the EVs to be charged. California is supposedly the leader in EVs but cannot supply electricity for the 3 million vehicles that they wish to change. So invest in the "fuel" before you waste time and a considerable amount of money on making a dream come true.

6 months ago

Min Patel! Please we the ordinary people dont care about EV's…we just need cheap reliable electricity! Start there and stop arsen around!

6 months ago

Guys the plan is to control all of us let us not be fooled by this electric cars ideas. The cars will be switched off at any given time.

6 months ago

Electric cars need electricity

6 months ago

We will have to have donkeys pulling the cars

6 months ago

No charging infrastructure for EV besides who wants a toy car that can only drive for 250km, secondly the mass unemployed low life thugs will steal the charger points, hijack people waiting to charge the toy! SA is very third world and can’t even compete with first world systems, beyond barbaric! Dream on bankrupt anc ! EV cars are not in demand in Europe btw

6 months ago

Obviously have not done the investigation into how to dispose of the scrap components of green without causing their next wave of environmental destruction 😂😂😂😂.
They cannot even manage human waste without creating an environmental disaster.
In Durban the sharks and fish migrated to other countries cos the sea was turn to a human waste soup .

6 months ago

😂😂😂 we have the best comedians

6 months ago

EV,s or EXTREMELY VOLATILES are a disaster for both the user and environment.
Here these CLOWNS are trying to follow FOOLS who unknowingly have proven EV,s are a disaster.
The CIRCUS continues wasting TAX PAYERS money when we dont have sufficient ELECTRICAL POWER TO START WITH.

6 months ago

This is a joke right?! 😂😂😂

6 months ago

This whole thing stinks of the WEF 🤨

6 months ago

Oh the ANC! Always in a dream world! They cannot do anything right with the existing infrastructure in South Africa but they think they can save the world. Hydrogen, electricity, wow! Just look at Eskom.
They so adamant that they can fix the middle east problems and all. But if it is Russia making trouble, then they sit silent without a problem. Go figure.
How much delusion can there be in this ANC crowd?!

6 months ago

Electric vehicles LOL. This ANC regime can't even fix our sewerage problems.

6 months ago

ANC where is the electricity for green vehicles😂 . Those who still vote for you, show their IQ.

6 months ago

Hey we don't have electricity
EV will never materialize South Africa is too poor to afford Ev
Ev is already collapsing world wide 2:53

6 months ago


6 months ago

Green hydrogen is a pipedream. It's too expensive, heavier car(heavy hydrogen tank) to contain the hydrogen pressure, too inefficient, low density fuel, too wasteful, losing fuel while the vehicle is standing still. Electric will win out.

6 months ago

Great ideas hope you can put it in motion

6 months ago

Wow what a stupid EV are not selling in United snake of America it simply a scam like solar panels 😅😅

6 months ago

Doomed for disaster