South Korea on high alert as Chinese and Russian fighter jets breach airspace – Oneindia News

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South Korea is on high alert after Chinese and Russian fighter jets intruded into its airspace on Tuesday. The incursion has raised tensions in the region and is seen as a provocative move by both China and Russia.

The South Korean military scrambled fighter jets to intercept the Chinese and Russian aircraft, which were also reported to have entered the country’s air defense identification zone. This violation of airspace has prompted Seoul to lodge a strong protest with Beijing and Moscow.

The Chinese and Russian aircraft were believed to be conducting a joint military exercise in the region. South Korea has called for an immediate explanation from both countries and warned that such actions could lead to serious consequences.

This incident comes at a time when tensions in the region are already high due to North Korea’s missile tests and China’s aggressive actions in the South China Sea. The intrusion by Chinese and Russian fighter jets is seen as a show of force and a challenge to South Korea’s sovereignty.

The South Korean government has reiterated its commitment to defending its airspace and has vowed to take all necessary measures to safeguard its national security. It has also called on China and Russia to respect international norms and refrain from such provocative actions in the future.

The United States has also expressed support for South Korea and condemned the intrusion by Chinese and Russian aircraft. The US has reaffirmed its alliance with South Korea and pledged to work closely with Seoul to address the security challenges in the region.

The incursion by Chinese and Russian fighter jets has heightened concerns about the risk of a military confrontation in the region. South Korea’s military remains on high alert, and there are fears that any miscalculation or escalation could lead to a dangerous situation.

The international community has called for calm and restraint, urging all parties to refrain from actions that could escalate tensions in the region. The intrusion by Chinese and Russian aircraft is a clear violation of international rules, and it is imperative for all parties to respect each other’s sovereignty and security concerns.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the volatile security environment in Northeast Asia and the need for strong deterrence measures to prevent further provocations. South Korea, as a key regional player, will continue to play a crucial role in maintaining peace and stability in the region while defending its territory from any threats.

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6 months ago

The impact of the USA Veto in the UN Security Council, the whole world isolated the USA and Israel as perpetrators of the Gaza genocide. Apart from boycotting US and Israeli products, to drain the US and Israeli economies, China and Russia can play a global role by creating new areas of conflict in Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. The USA's habit of always wanting to be the world's policeman and wanting to be involved in regional conflicts will accelerate its economic downfall and become a poor country

6 months ago


6 months ago

They are provoking war.