Split a string into a list in Python using the direct method

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How to Split a String into a List in Python

How to Split a String into a List in Python

Splitting a string into a list can be easily done in Python using the split() method. This method takes a delimiter as an argument and splits the string based on that delimiter. Here’s how you can split a string directly into a list in Python:


Let’s say you have a string "hello,world,python" and you want to split it into a list based on commas. Here’s how you can do it:

# Define the input string
input_string = "hello,world,python"

# Split the string into a list based on commas
output_list = input_string.split(',')

# Print the output list

Running the above code will output:

['hello', 'world', 'python']

As you can see, the string has been split into a list with each element separated by commas. You can also split the string based on other delimiters such as spaces, periods, etc. by changing the delimiter in the split() method.


Splitting a string into a list in Python is a simple and useful operation that can be done using the split() method. By specifying the delimiter, you can split the string into a list based on that delimiter. This makes it easy to manipulate and work with strings in Python.

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1 month ago

What if I wanted to split the string into a list of individual characters? Would I use a list comprehension?