Spokeswoman reports Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny missing following release from prison

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Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny is reportedly missing after being taken from prison, according to his spokeswoman, Kira Yarmysh.

Navalny, a prominent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was removed from Matrosskaya Tishina prison in Moscow on Thursday, according to Yarmysh. She stated that his current whereabouts are unknown, and that he has not been in contact with his lawyers or family.

This development has raised concerns among Navalny’s supporters and human rights advocates, as it comes amidst a crackdown on dissent in Russia. Navalny was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison earlier this year, after returning to Russia from Germany, where he had been recovering from a poisoning attack with a nerve agent.

The Russian government has denied any involvement in the poisoning, but many believe it was a targeted attack on Navalny for his vocal criticism of the Kremlin.

Navalny’s disappearance has sparked international outrage, with many world leaders and organizations calling for his immediate release and the disclosure of his whereabouts.

The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, expressed deep concern over Navalny’s disappearance, stating that it is imperative for the Russian authorities to ensure his safety and well-being. The United States also called for Navalny’s release, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding that the Russian government provide information on his whereabouts and ensure his safety.

The disappearance of Navalny is another worrying sign of the deteriorating state of democracy and human rights in Russia. It is yet another example of the Russian government’s efforts to silence dissent and opposition, and to intimidate those who dare to speak out against the regime.

As the international community continues to put pressure on Russia to reveal the whereabouts of Navalny and ensure his safety, it is crucial for all those who value freedom of expression and democracy to stand in solidarity with Navalny and demand justice for him.

The disappearance of Navalny is a stark reminder of the dangers faced by those who speak out against authoritarian regimes, and it should serve as a rallying cry for all those who believe in the fundamental right to freedom of speech and political dissent. The world must not stay silent in the face of such blatant violations of human rights, and must continue to push for the release of Navalny and the protection of his rights.

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6 months ago

Russia is making arrangements. He’s deceased happens all the time in American jails.

6 months ago

MIA , missing in action , part 5 😮😢

6 months ago

This is what fascists do…….,people disappear

6 months ago

DISGUSTING report on ABC News Dec 11, 2023 stated that Navalny – now missing – was sentenced to 19 years on "charges of extremism." According to whom? SAY IT! Jailed for merely opposing Putin's totalitarian regime.

6 months ago

🆘 #свободуНевтоновой США держит в заложниках мать одиночку (украино-россиянку) у которой отобрала детей , держала в 4х тюрьмах чтобы заставить подписать само обвиняющий документ о том что поехала в отпуск без письменного разрешения абьюзера отца ; и не выпускает уже четыре года Домой Европу!!! США 🇺🇸 отпустите Невтонову! Вознаграждение журналистам которые осветят беззакония и издевателтсива над матерью одиночкой у которой вырвали силой детей граждан РФ и передали абьюзерам Мормонам для полного промытия мозгов; Невтонову держат под надзором с запретом выезда домой!!!

6 months ago

Navalny has a "huge support" in Russia, some 5000 people supporting him, lol
No one notice in Russia if he is missing!

6 months ago

classic. god bless.

6 months ago

White towel from US-Germany: "Ukrainian Army completely destroyed – Spring 2025 next counterattack – Kiev to negotiate"

Germany and the US have decided to reduce military aid to Kiev

6 months ago

Even in prison, Putler is afraid of Navalny and prefers to kill him.

Putler is a pitiful person.

The Russian elections are just a charade, all the opponents are assassinated, thrown in prison or outside Russia, and despite that, he is still afraid of Navalny so he kills him.

Putler is nothing more than a mediocre coward.

6 months ago

It seems like Russia found is new democratic president. To break out of a russian prison, that is some next level bad ass. I wonder if unle Sam had any involvment 😀

6 months ago

Navanly really isn't the opposition party leader. He is just another party leader- not the biggest opposition at all😂😂

6 months ago

Мать Россия принадлежит народу, а не террористу Путину.

6 months ago

I'm from Russia, I don't care… I'm going to vote for Biden.

6 months ago

Stop calling this western sponsored traitor “opposition leader” 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️ he has like 3% of the vote. He’s a nobody! Vladimir Putin for president of the Russian federation 2024 💯🇷🇺🫡

6 months ago

he is dead hello from russia

6 months ago

Pro-Democracy of Pro-US? :)))

6 months ago

Was it really necessary to attack ukraine.who knows this secret U.S

6 months ago

Go get putin russian oligarch opposition leader

6 months ago

Navalny is a white nationalist.

I hope he never leave prison.