Staffers of Biden Hold Protest Outside White House

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In a surprising turn of events, President Joe Biden found himself facing protests from his own staffers outside the White House. The group of protesters gathered to voice their dissatisfaction with the Biden administration’s handling of several key issues, including the ongoing crisis at the southern border and the administration’s perceived lack of action on police reform.

The protest, which took place on a hot summer day, featured a diverse group of White House staffers holding up signs and chanting slogans calling for action on immigration reform and police accountability. Some of the signs read “Stop the Deportations” and “Justice for George Floyd,” highlighting the staffers’ concerns over the administration’s handling of these pressing issues.

The fact that President Biden’s own staffers felt compelled to take their concerns to the streets is a powerful indication of the deep dissatisfaction brewing within the administration. It also speaks to the urgency of the issues at hand and the need for swift and decisive action from the highest levels of government.

The crisis at the southern border has been a particularly contentious issue for the Biden administration, with a surge in migrants seeking asylum and a growing humanitarian crisis unfolding. The administration has faced criticism for its handling of the situation, with some accusing it of failing to address the root causes of migration and failing to provide adequate support for migrants seeking asylum.

Similarly, the administration’s response to calls for police reform and racial justice has been criticized as insufficient by some of its own staffers. The lack of progress on key issues such as qualified immunity for law enforcement officers and accountability for police misconduct has left many feeling disillusioned with the administration’s commitment to addressing systemic racism in the criminal justice system.

In response to the protests, the Biden administration has acknowledged the staffers’ concerns and committed to addressing them in a meaningful way. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki stated that President Biden is “deeply committed to addressing the root causes of migration and ensuring we have an effective and humane immigration system that upholds our laws” and that he “shares their concerns and looks forward to continuing to engage with them to find solutions.”

The fact that President Biden’s own staffers felt the need to protest outside the White House is a powerful reminder of the importance of holding our leaders accountable, even when they are on our own side. It also underscores the urgency of the issues at hand and the need for swift and decisive action from the highest levels of government.

As the Biden administration grapples with these pressing issues, it is clear that there is a growing sense of urgency within the White House to address the concerns of its own staffers and the American people. The protests outside the White House serve as a potent reminder that the fight for meaningful change is ongoing and that the voices of those directly impacted by these issues must be heard and heeded.

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6 months ago

(Not so) fun fact. Saying there has been no Israeli casualties since October 7th is officially wrong and outdated. Rest assured though, the Israeli casualties were by their own sides bullets. Yup. The blood is on the hands of the IDF. Funny how the IDF hates Israel. I think the IDF may be antisemetic. Maybe the US should step in and do something about the anti semitism being committed
BY the IDF against Israeli hostages. Idk how that'll work though. You can't funnel money and weapons to the enemy. So, how do we deal with the antisemetic terrorist organization known as the IDF who hates Israel?

6 months ago


6 months ago

Honestly I hope Biden loses, I’m Palestinian and his unyielding support of our genocide is sickening. I’m no longer even bothering to nag my parents into voting like I usually do

6 months ago

FR Biden WTF

6 months ago

May Allah protect innocent children and civilians of Palestinian and all Muslims and all other religious people who fears God

6 months ago

Do you really think Trump will stop genocide in Palestinian
Trump will be worst

6 months ago

This is South Africa all over again: the common population dragging their corrupt governments kicking and screaming into a semblance of morality.

6 months ago

Hamas really poked the bear and woke up the bees while hiding under civilians. . Remember when they did that to us on 911? Israel has a right to defend itself just like Ukraine does just like we did. It’s war. You are getting a lot of minutiae that we’ve never gotten in history.
Should Israel cease fire…yes. In the meantime, why don’t other Arab nations take the Palestinians in? Stop being inflexible Biden has been telling Netanyahu to ceasefire. This is not Biden’s doing. Remember that hamas caused all this then cried genocide. They knew what the far left would do.
I also agree we shouldn’t fund this either.

6 months ago

If you go by the polls, Trump won 2020 so maybe base yourself in reality and not the ideal world we want to live in that we are not in yet.

6 months ago

the problem with his own staffers allegedly protesting outside of the Wearhouse is… why are they silent when inside?

6 months ago

Thumbs up and an additional comment to beat the algorithm. Thanks for the video! 👍🔥👍

6 months ago

Thanks for covering

6 months ago

European prediction from a month ago for next year: Biden drops out and Michelle Obama steps in.

6 months ago

Joe Biden has always been strong on unions. Stop talking about Biden as if he is adle brained and has no idea what he is doing.

Biden isn't a rage aholic, and Joe Manchin is a Manchurian candidate who stabs his own constituents in the back.

6 months ago

Bibi is a bully. Why won't Biden stand up to him?

6 months ago

Who do they think they will hurt if they sit out the general election or register a protest vote for a third party candidate; Biden?

No. They only hurt themselves because Biden will walk away and disappear. But those staff members will get the American it deserves when Trump is president for life.

6 months ago

Netanyahu had the power to prevent or mitigate the attack on Israel on October 7th, much like Bush had the power to prevent the September 11 attacks, and, like Bush, chose to do nothing. And like Bush, Netanyahu is punishing the wrong people for the despicable actions of a select few. The difference between Bush and Netanyahu is that Netanyahu's response is orders of magnitude worse. Netanyahu's actions are almost certain to preserve and prolong the ideology that fuels Hamas and similar militant groups. I hope, though I doubt it will ever happen, that Netanyahu is fully held to account. And President Biden is in need of a serious reality check.

6 months ago

conservatives, particularly religious ones, seem to really get excited when seeing the casualty stats in this war, especially when it comes to the tally of younger victims. save the children indeed. or is it just because they believe stories of end days starting here?

6 months ago

Why am I not surprised!! Any level headed Dems which included RFK Jr are leaving a party that promoted the most medieval, heinous, barbaric crimes of the American psyche and the lamestream media were all in collusion with a lame, gaffe a minute old git who can barely walk let alone talk! Biden’s people manipulated the mail in ballots for his installment in the WH and that FOOL cut his nose to spite his face undoing policies that was working including the secured border and cheap gas, bread and butter……oh and NO WARS!!!!

6 months ago

TRUMP 2024