Starting and Stopping the Node.js Kernel in JupyterLab

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Starting and Shutting Down Node.js Kernel in JupyterLab

How to start and shut down the Node.js kernel in JupyterLab

If you’re a developer who uses JupyterLab and Node.js, you may want to use Node.js as a kernel in JupyterLab. By doing so, you can run JavaScript code in your Jupyter notebooks. This article will guide you through the process of starting and shutting down the Node.js kernel in JupyterLab.

Starting the Node.js Kernel

To start the Node.js kernel in JupyterLab, follow these steps:

  1. First, make sure you have Node.js installed on your system. You can check if Node.js is installed by running the command node --version in your terminal. If Node.js is not installed, you can download it from the official Node.js website.
  2. Next, install the ijavascript package using npm by running the command npm install -g ijavascript in your terminal. This package allows you to use Node.js as a kernel in JupyterLab.
  3. After installing ijavascript, you can install it as a kernel in JupyterLab by running the command ijsinstall in your terminal.
  4. Once the ijavascript kernel is installed, open JupyterLab and create a new notebook. In the notebook, you can select the Node.js kernel from the kernel dropdown menu.

Shutting Down the Node.js Kernel

To shut down the Node.js kernel in JupyterLab, follow these steps:

  1. In your JupyterLab notebook, click on “Kernel” in the menu bar and select “Shutdown Kernel”.
  2. Alternatively, you can also shut down the Node.js kernel by clicking on the “Shutdown” button next to the kernel name in the running kernels tab.

By following these steps, you can easily start and shut down the Node.js kernel in JupyterLab. Using Node.js as a kernel in JupyterLab allows you to run JavaScript code in your notebooks, making it a powerful tool for web development and data analysis.