Step-by-Step Guide on Deploying Django on AWS EC2 for Beginners

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Deploy Django on AWS EC2 Beginners Tutorial

Deploy Django on AWS EC2 Beginners Tutorial

Deploying your Django application on AWS EC2 can be a great way to make your application accessible to users all over the world. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of deploying your Django application on an AWS EC2 instance.

Step 1: Launch an EC2 instance

The first step is to launch an EC2 instance on AWS. You can do this by logging into your AWS account, navigating to the EC2 dashboard, and clicking on the “Launch Instance” button. Choose an instance type that suits your needs, and follow the prompts to launch your instance.

Step 2: Configure your EC2 instance

Once your instance is up and running, you will need to configure it to run your Django application. This involves installing Python, Django, and any other dependencies your application may have. You can SSH into your instance using the key pair you created when launching the instance, and then install the necessary packages using the package manager of your choice.

Step 3: Deploy your Django application

With your instance configured, you can now deploy your Django application. You will need to transfer your application files to your EC2 instance, either by using SCP or by cloning your repository directly onto the instance. Once your files are on the instance, you can start your Django application by running the appropriate management command.

Step 4: Access your Django application

With your application deployed, you can now access it by entering your instance’s public IP address into your web browser. You should see your Django application up and running, ready to be used by users from all over the world.


Deploying your Django application on AWS EC2 can be a powerful way to make your application accessible to users globally. By following this tutorial, you should now have a good understanding of how to deploy your Django application on an AWS EC2 instance. Happy coding!

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3 months ago

Thank you, i have done the hosting.

3 months ago

could you also make a video about transferring the local Ipv4 to your actual domain using AWS Route 53?

3 months ago

Dude, huge thanks for this absolute saver video! I've been struggling whole day with the deployment of my django project and this video has helped me a lot! Liked and subscribed, keep up the good work! Cheers!

3 months ago

what is the need to install DB in EC2 , Why can't we use RDS?

3 months ago

Hey buddy, How to purge cache? my django keep going with /assets/js/scripts.6831bd9ae161.js even after i pulled new version and collected statics… and i have correct scripts.js in the folder /assets/js/ , but or nginx dont like to serve it(((

3 months ago

thanks it was very helpful!😃

3 months ago

i am trying to open django admin panel but its showing 403 forbidden error what to do?

3 months ago

Thanks ! What should I change if I'm using the sqlite default Django database?

3 months ago

Would love to see videos on deployment using other service. Great Tutorial though!

3 months ago

good stuff man love the content super helpful!