
Step-by-Step Guide to Building a BunJS Application using Docker

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Building a Dockerized BunJS Application – Step-by-Step Guide | Bunjs | Docker

Building a Dockerized BunJS Application – Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to containerize your BunJS application with Docker? This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of building a Dockerized BunJS application.

Step 1: Install Docker

The first step is to install Docker on your machine. You can download Docker from the official website and follow the installation instructions for your specific operating system.

Step 2: Set Up Your BunJS Application

If you haven’t already, create a BunJS application or open an existing one. Make sure your application is working as expected before proceeding with Dockerizing it.

Step 3: Create a Dockerfile

Create a file named Dockerfile in the root directory of your BunJS application. The Dockerfile will contain the instructions for building your Docker image.

Here’s an example of a simple Dockerfile for a BunJS application:

FROM node:14


COPY package.json .
COPY package-lock.json .

RUN npm install

COPY . .


CMD ["npm", "start"]

Step 4: Build the Docker Image

Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where your Dockerfile is located. Run the following command to build your Docker image:

docker build -t my-bunjs-app .

Step 5: Run the Docker Container

Once the Docker image is built, you can run a Docker container with the following command:

docker run -p 3000:3000 my-bunjs-app

Your BunJS application is now running inside a Docker container and can be accessed at http://localhost:3000.

Step 6: Deploy to a Container Orchestration Platform

If you’re looking to deploy your Dockerized BunJS application to a container orchestration platform such as Kubernetes or Docker Swarm, you can do so by following the platform-specific deployment instructions.

With these six steps, you’ve successfully Dockerized your BunJS application and are ready to deploy it to production. Happy containerizing!