
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Twitter-Like App with React, Next JS, and Appwrite

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How To Build A Twitter Clone – React Next JS – Appwrite Crash Course

How To Build A Twitter Clone – React Next JS – Appwrite Crash Course

Are you interested in creating your own social media platform? In this crash course, we will learn how to build a Twitter clone using React, Next JS, and Appwrite.

What You Will Need

  • Node.js and npm installed on your computer
  • A text editor (e.g. Visual Studio Code)
  • A basic understanding of React and Next JS

Setting Up the Project

First, let’s create a new Next JS project using the following command:

npx create-next-app my-twitter-clone

Next, install the Appwrite SDK by running the following command in your project directory:

npm install appwrite

Now, you will need to sign up for an Appwrite account and create a new project. Once you have your project ID and API key, you can initialize the Appwrite client in your Next JS project.

Designing the UI

For the UI of our Twitter clone, we will use a combination of React components and CSS. You can start by creating components for the home feed, user profiles, tweets, and user authentication.

Implementing Appwrite

Using the Appwrite SDK, you can easily implement user authentication, database integration, file storage, and more. For example, you can use the Appwrite SDK to create a new user account, save tweets to the database, and retrieve tweets for the home feed.

Deploying the App

Once you have completed the development of your Twitter clone, you can deploy it to a hosting provider of your choice. Next JS provides an easy way to build and deploy your app, and you can also take advantage of services like Vercel for seamless deployment.


Building a Twitter clone with React, Next JS, and Appwrite is a great way to learn about modern web development and cloud services. By using these technologies, you can create a fully functional social media platform from scratch.

Good luck with your Twitter clone project!

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daniel wakeley
7 months ago

Just a couple of things.

Could have given a basic outline on how to setup an SMTP server.

Could have explained quickly how to setup email password recover as well as the logging in and out functions to point us in the right direction.

It would have also been nice to tell the type of files that these features go in as well as where to put them ❤

daniel wakeley
7 months ago

Would have been nice to link something to guide us 0n how to setup an SMTP server and also give us a heads up that you have to pay for a domain name. Or a service.

You could have suggested a couple of service providers.

daniel wakeley
7 months ago

Not very impressed with the source code it's in Js when your code is in ts and most everything is different. It doesn't even look like you own the repo pretty sly

Other than that I do really love your content

Markus Wiland
7 months ago

Hi Adrian, amazing video. I have worked with supabase only before a little bit. Does AppWrite have Unlimited API requests for the free plan aswell as supabase have? 🙂

Yazna Kalp
7 months ago

You made it very simple to understand! I am facing issue while creating next.js project, I am not getting the pages folder and index file, can you help me with that, should I install any other package?

Michael Noon
7 months ago

This was nothing but frustrating. What you showed on the screen isn't where it is on the sites and you went way too fast without showing where things actually are. This didn't help at all.

7 months ago

This is more like we're watching you write an Appwrite code for review rather than "a tutorial". We can barely see the screen – too small, and you breeze through the explanation making it seem like you're walking through a code review at a job interview.

Dabi Uzumaki
7 months ago

I will definitely follow this video step by step and I will give a detailed review after I verify everything. But firstly, thank you for making a video thats not even an hour long. I am pretty sure I can watch this till the end.

akhil a
7 months ago

Can you explain what is the difference between setting up docker like this

(as recommended on the apprite website)
docker run -it –rm
–volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
–volume "$(pwd)"/appwrite:/usr/src/code/appwrite:rw

and what you did in this tutorial

Life Of Sras
7 months ago

how do you manage about DevOps workflow

Sai Han
7 months ago

This is awesome. Thanks so much for the video Adrian.

7 months ago

At around 14:01, I am getting an error that user already exists in my project. But in actual, the user does not exist in the database. What should I do?

Kimbap Slayer
7 months ago

Man appwrite cloud is available now and it’s so much easier.

7 months ago

I'm not a tech guy and not sure I'm up to the task of learning all of this on your level, however, I do know what I want and am curious to know if this video is the bridge between what's in my head and a finished product.

Here's what I've wanted for years!

I've been wearing Garmin watches for decades. The newest Garmin smartwatches have what they call "widgets" which are nothing more than 3rd party apps that can be downloaded to the watch. Most of simple things like watch faces, weather apps, etc. And there are some fitness apps but they're pretty cheesy. I want someone to create an app that technical should be possible within Garmin but it's not. I want to create multi-activity workouts that utilize several of the Garmin activities as a continuous workout where I tap the "lap" button to move to the next workout station.

Believe it or not Garmin doesn't have this feature in the way most would use it. They have a multi-sport feature but it is limited.

Can the information in the video help me learn how to build a Garmin app?

Drive Buss
7 months ago

why you expose the API key? isnt this a sensitive data? This is very dangerous according to appwrite team!

Drive Buss
7 months ago

in frontend API connection, why didnt you use appwrite node sdk? strange!

Sophea House Designer
7 months ago

Thank you for sharing my friend ❤

7 months ago

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7 months ago

Thanks Adrian. This makes it easier for front-end devs to easily create full-stack apps

Sofia Vasileva
7 months ago

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